Therapist Mom (10)

Watch here: livestreamed Monday at 8 PM E

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Watch here! Livestreamed Monday at 8 PM E

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Therapist Mom (10)

Weekly Live-Streamed Show on YouTube @DoctorJodi Mondays at 8 PM E. Dr. Jodi, Lily, and their guests share trauma-informed mental health advice to educators, counselors, parents, and teens.

Add to your calendar: Get topics ahead of time and never miss a show!
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The show's mission is to support the "Anxious Generation" (Generation Z)

Guiding Emerging Adults (and Adults Helping Them) to

          • Build confidence
          • Understand themselves & the world
          • Navigate anxiety, sadness & ADHD
          • Form uplifting relationships
          • Take care of their brain, body & spirit

Jodi and her daughter, Lily, and their guests will discuss trending topics, world events, mental health, embodied wellness, spiritual psychology, and more!

We welcome Generation Z influencers (teens and 20s) to join us on the show!

The show's mission is to support the "Anxious Generation" (Generation Z)

Guiding Emerging Adults (and Adults Helping Them) to

  • Build confidence
  • Understand themselves & the world
  • Navigate anxiety, sadness & ADHD
  • Form uplifting relationships
  • Take care of their brain, body & spirit

Jodi and her daughter, Lily, and their guests will discuss trending topics, world events, mental health, embodied wellness, spiritual psychology, and more!

We welcome Generation Z influencers (teens and 20s) to join us on the show!

Guiding emerging adults to release toxic stress, achieve emotional wellness, and hardwire their brain for happiness.

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  Therapist Mom Blog  

Jodi Aman, Doctor of Social Work
Psychotherapist | Author | Speaker

Dr. Jodi has a deep understanding of the complexities of human pain and skills to relieve hearts and minds–fast! Her clients consistently report experiencing transformation in what has been stuck or misunderstood for decades within 1-3 sessions. Using her unique and varied training, rooted ethics, and 28 years of experience as a trauma-informed psychotherapist, Dr. Jodi guides sensitive souls in releasing what they don't want, strengthening their emotional bandwidth, and creating a happy, purposeful life. With her videos, courses, TedxWilmington talk, and award-winning books, she's supported over two million people. More about Dr. Jodi.

Everything you need to know to cut out toxic people, to know whom to trust, and engage in the relationships of your dreams.

Let go of the past, plan for your future, and handle life in the present. Embrace your confidence to maximise your potential.

Learn how to start developing your intuition so you can feel empowered, grounded, and mentally robust in relationships, and in life.


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