Here is your PDF and Hand and Heart Somatic Healing Experience

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Dearest Anxiety-Sufferers and Freedom Seekers,

Since the world feels out of control with this COVID-19 pandemic, polarization, global warming, an increase in anxiety, depression, and toxic stress, you need, more than ever, to get yourself grounded, so you can get your life back under control. It is time to heal your anxiety head to toe. What if I told you that with just a few hours a week to focus on healing, you can be anxiety-free! Join me in the next 5 weeks as I walk you through how to…

Learn How To Control Your Life & Never Suffer With Anxiety Again...Ever

  • Do you feel out of control of your life?
  •  Are you feeling plagued by self-doubt and worry that you can handle difficult situations?
  •  Are you afraid of what people think or how they will judge you?
  •  Do you wish you had more confidence at work or in relationships?
  •  Has anxiety stopped you from doing things in your life that you would enjoy (or used to enjoy?)
  • Do you want to enjoy your days instead of dreading them?

“I can’t thank you enough for sharing all that you’ve learned over the years and what has worked. You have obviously gotten to the root versus masking symptoms. I know I will have to thoroughly go through the information and continue to revisit to break the bad habits that I’ve developed over the years. THANKS FOR ALLOWING US TO REVIEW VIDEOS PAST THE 5 WEEKS! You are amazing and a blessing. I will be recommending your program to others.”

Scott  - AFM Owner

Are you READY to be anxiety free? 

  • Put your relationships first.
  • Let nothing get in the way of your life purpose.
  • Refuse to let your past control your future.
  • Feel in control instead of powerless.
  • Enjoy your days again.
  • Do what you want to do.
  • Create the life that you want.

Anxiety Free You!

It’s time for you to live your life and be happy without the struggles and suffering from anxiety and panic!

My name is Jodi Aman. I first and foremost want you to know that you are not alone. (Even if it really, really feels like it!) I know first-hand how horrible (and lonely) anxiety feels. That’s why I want to help you because I have been where you are.

I had anxiety for two decades before I knew how to get rid of it. It took me a couple of years once I decided "I'm going to live like this" for me to discover and practice the six steps toward recovery. Then, I totally cured myself of it.

In the next 20 years, as a licensed clinical psychotherapist, I helped thousands of people recover from anxiety with these same SIX STEPS. And, now I want to help you. The good news is that it won't take you years, because now you have me!

My clients say that it helps them so much that I understand what they are going through. (Hear my anxiety story here.) I know anxiety in a way that other therapists don’t. I understand anxiety. And so, I understand you.

That is why I put together Anxiety-Free Me! Online Anxiety Recovery program. So that you don’t have to suffer anymore.

This is what I learned that you need to know and do to get rid of anxiety…

  1. Understand it Biologically
  2. Learn the Lies that it Tells
  3. Cultivate Your Control
  4. Forgive Yourself
  5. Repeat Strategic Affirmations
  6. Practice Happiness Generating Rituals

"Anxiety is not only highly treatable. It is curable." 

~Jodi Aman

Here is what you get in this 5-module comprehensive self-study program: 

Hone in on the Biology of Anxiety. Most people don’t know this simple and easy-to-comprehend science and after the first watch, they see anxiety in a whole new light: From a place of power and understanding. This first module shifts things immeasurably and I've seen it heal 50% of people's anxiety!

I expose the Tricks and Tactics of Fear so you can see them coming from a mile away and stop them in their tracks!  Giving you the ability to say “Talk to the hand!” to anxiety and not letting its lies get into your heart anymore. 

Next, you'll connect with your Skills and Abilities. Build confidence and trust in what you can do. While discussing and giving examples of 15 skills and abilities, I will show you the power you do have and make it ultimately more accessible to you, so anxiety no longer stands a chance. 

This week you will stop allowing your past to make you vulnerable and you will learn how to trust yourself! Self-forgiveness, self-trust, and self-compassion are key elements in recovering from anxiety. This week will transform your life and emotions in every aspect. And the best part is that IT IS PAINLESS and PAIN RELIEVING!

Boom! Get the secrets to writing Strategic Affirmations that work! You will know exactly why affirmations haven’t worked for you in the past and how you can get them to work swiftly and easily. It’s absolutely painless –– save the discipline it takes to remember to practice. You can change the habits and the triggers of anxiety that you don’t (or no longer) need to keep yourself safe. Brilliant, streamlined, yet powerful!

  • 6 NEW Corona Virus Anxiety Videos!!
  • EFT for Anxiety Training
  • Social Anxiety Help
  • Understanding Anxiety and Trauma
  • Fear of Public Speaking Help
  • Overcoming Fear of Flying Training
  • Parenting Kids with Anxiety Tips
  • Yoga Poses for Anxiety Video
  • ALL of my past WEBINARS.
    *AFM is the ONLY place you can see these!*

Are you ready to take control of your anxiety?

Listen to what people are saying

earth wisdom school

Age 20

I want to express to you the utmost gratitude for helping me through the worst depressive/anxious episode of my life. For 3 months, I could barely function, & the mental anguish was nearly unbearable, but you were the only thing that gave me concrete instructions for pulling myself out of the rut I was in. I have no doubt that without you (and the effort I put in to beat this) I would still be in that awful place today, or worse– dead. In short, your book and videos saved my life.  It rekindled that spark of hope for me. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

earth wisdom school

Age 32

Jodi is attentive and compassionate not to mention punctual. 1:1 she does amazing work and offers so many healing resources including her books, videos, and social media presence. She combines so much wisdom in her integrated practice.

earth wisdom school

Age 45

Jodi, thank you for having me in your anxiety coaching group. It has taken me almost a year to have the courage to reach out to you for help. I have and read your book and love it. I have never had anyone explain anxiety as you do. I’ve been to counseling a few times and it didn’t really help. I am so glad I found you.

earth wisdom school

Age 47

Jodi is compassionate and inspiring. I look forward to all my sessions with Jodi, she definitely is right on target for knowing how to best know what I need from her in each session. I would recommend Jodi to anyone.

earth wisdom school

Age 29

Before I met Jodi I was having anxiety symptoms for a few months already. I was scared of it, which created more and more anxiety and tension. I tried therapy and several natural remedies, which only help for a while. I still believed the lies anxiety wanted me to. Jodi is different in her approach – she knows her stuff. She taught me about my brain and hormones and knowing this helped me not to be afraid of the anxiety symptoms anymore. They have no power over me now and I know I can handle them.

earth wisdom school

Age 43

Jodi helped me work through and really understand something I was stuck on for a couple of years within just 2 sessions. I would highly recommend her!

Join Anxiety-Free Me!

Online Anxiety Recovery Program

  • You get 5-weeks of tried and true content. All of my Anxiety recovery secrets (that just my private clients have privy to).
  • Lifetime access starting right away and delivering over 5 weeks.
  • Special discount to work with me privately - only for members!

It’s time for you to live your life and be happy without the struggles and suffering from anxiety and panic!

Some bonuses deliver immediately because you need them, so there is ONLY a 4-day refund policy on this comprehensive course!

Don't take my word for it.

Vicky: "Totally new information."

Jeaninne: "I've had anxiety for 13 years and no one told me this stuff."

Patt: "What you said makes the craziness seem not so crazy. I can do this!"

Suzanne: "I like learning about opening my arms for GABA. I can do that!"

Jodi Aman, DSW | Psychotherapist | Author | Advocate

Twenty-eight years of clinical experience have given me a deep resonance and empathy for the complexities of human pain. Witnessing this suffering has compelled me to stand against the context of injustice that causes it. Using this keen understanding of how and why people struggle, combined with my unique and varied training, rooted ethics, as well as decades as a trauma-informed psychotherapist, I guide sensitive souls to release what they don't want, recover their energetic bandwidth, and grok a socially conscious life of overflowing joy.
More about me.

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