Relationship Rejuvenation (Couple's Coaching)
For whole body, whole family, whole mission living

Emotional, mental & sexual healing to galvanize closeness and create a meaningful life.

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Deep-dive couples counseling is for high-powered couples who want to heal from the past, deepen their intimacy, and uplevel to superconscious love so they can kick ass at creating magic for the rest of their lives.

Let's heal the problems in this relationship to get you on a supportive, empowered path to sustainable physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual wellness. We'll improve how you give and receive support, how you deeply understand each other, and how you feel more cohesive than before so this relationship works for the rest of your life instead of against it.

Each heals as an individual and also as a couple. We'll dissolve the seen and unseen issues that block your full personal and relationship potential.

The skills I teach and the ways of thinking about each other and the relationship are tried and true. I've worked with couples for 28 years. Plus, I practice what I preach! My partner and I celebrated 28 years together in February. Relationships are hard work, and they take both of you. Good thing, they can be so worth the effort. Many couples wait too long before seeking counseling. Don't let this be you.                                        ~Dr. Jodi

Jodi Aman, DSW | Psychotherapist | Author | Advocate

Twenty-eight years of clinical experience have given me a deep resonance and empathy for the complexities of human pain. Witnessing this suffering has compelled me to stand against the context of injustice that causes it. Using this keen understanding of how and why people struggle, combined with my unique and varied training, rooted ethics, as well as decades as a trauma-informed psychotherapist, I guide sensitive souls to release what they don't want, recover their energetic bandwidth, and grok a socially conscious life of overflowing joy.
More about me.

Listen to what people are saying

earth wisdom school

Age 20

I want to express to you the utmost gratitude for helping me through the worst depressive/anxious episode of my life. For 3 months, I could barely function, & the mental anguish was nearly unbearable, but you were the only thing that gave me concrete instructions for pulling myself out of the rut I was in. I have no doubt that without you (and the effort I put in to beat this) I would still be in that awful place today, or worse– dead. In short, your book and videos saved my life.  It rekindled that spark of hope for me. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

earth wisdom school

Age 32

Jodi is attentive and compassionate not to mention punctual. 1:1 she does amazing work and offers so many healing resources including her books, videos, and social media presence. She combines so much wisdom in her integrated practice.

earth wisdom school

Age 45

Jodi, thank you for having me in your anxiety coaching group. It has taken me almost a year to have the courage to reach out to you for help. I have and read your book and love it. I have never had anyone explain anxiety as you do. I’ve been to counseling a few times and it didn’t really help. I am so glad I found you.

earth wisdom school

Age 47

Jodi is compassionate and inspiring. I look forward to all my sessions with Jodi, she definitely is right on target for knowing how to best know what I need from her in each session. I would recommend Jodi to anyone.

earth wisdom school

Age 29

Before I met Jodi I was having anxiety symptoms for a few months already. I was scared of it, which created more and more anxiety and tension. I tried therapy and several natural remedies, which only help for a while. I still believed the lies anxiety wanted me to. Jodi is different in her approach – she knows her stuff. She taught me about my brain and hormones and knowing this helped me not to be afraid of the anxiety symptoms anymore. They have no power over me now and I know I can handle them.

earth wisdom school

Age 43

Jodi helped me work through and really understand something I was stuck on for a couple of years within just 2 sessions. I would highly recommend her!

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