We Have Been Created To Love and Be Loved

Humans are social creatures, we hang around each other, paying attention to what each other is up to. We touch, we play, we communicate, we share, and we know how to have fun.

Most importantly, we love.

I have been thinking of this lately. And then, today, I read this quotation by Mother Teresa and said “Yes!” out loud.

We have been created to love…

“Each time anyone comes into contact with us, they must become different and be better people because of having met us. We must radiate God’s love. We must know that we have been created for greater things, not just to be a number in the world, not just to go for diplomas and degrees, this work and that work. We have been created in order to love and be loved. Love does not measure…it just gives.” Mother Teresa

First of all, just let this sink in… “We have been created to love and be loved.” …

“Not measure” means: don’t worry about the small stuff (and it is mostly small stuff), lay down competition, let go of judgments, and forgiveAnd then, this…”Love does not measure.”…

And this…”[Love] just gives.”…

Also, I think love does not “take” either. If you love someone, it is not as if you gave a quantity away and have less as a result. Love is like knowledge–like a lit candle lighting others. It exponentially multiplies when shared. It energizes both the giver and receiver.

(If love exhausts you emotionally or even physically, there is something else going on. And you probably already know what it is.)

We want to love. So lets get busy.

When I was young, I saw author Leo Buscaglia on a talk show. The host asked him, “Do you really love everybody?”

He said, “Who would you like me to exclude?”

Don’t exclude anyone, not even yourself!

And love creates us

We have been created to love but then, love also creates us. Of course, it builds us up and expands us past our previous limits– beyond our shabby self esteems, and create us anew–better and more us than before. Love is a map that helps us find our way to our best self.

Radiate love. Create it and it will create you.

“Love is always bestowed as a gift – freely, willingly and without expectation. We don’t love to be loved; we love to love.” Leo Buscaglia

Give me some love…

Please share.

De-mystifying Self-Love

Healing Someone You Love

Love Someone Up To You

26 thoughts on “We Have Been Created To Love and Be Loved”

  1. Beautiful post Jodi. I gave Charles, my beloved, his birthday gift this weekend — a book of the poems and photos I take every day and send to him — something I’ve done since Valentine’s Day.

    What is amazing to me, and so fulfilling, is that in the act of creating these daily poems of love, my understanding, my knowing, my feelings of love have intensified and deepened. I have come to know love more fully by writing of love every day. and in that knowing is this wonderful truth — We are born to give and receive love. We have been created to love and be loved.

    So true.
    Louise Gallagher recently posted..Shining your light makes a differenceMy Profile

  2. What a terrific message Jodi. Although I blog and have written on divorce self help, love is my main message. We normally equate divorce with hate but divorce happens if there is an absence of love. Finding love for yourself or learning to love yourself after a painful marriage is the most important thing we can do for ourselves, even Mother Theresa agrees 🙂
    lisa thomson recently posted..Blue ChristmasMy Profile

    1. Yes, divorce can make us feel so worthless, and like a failure. we really have to start to love ourselves again to heal from that!

  3. Jodi this is such a beautiful post. You kn ow what it brought in my mind? Although I am not believe in a specific religion (I’d rather believe there is a higher power which at the moment I do not want to name) I will never forget the first time I read Paul’s Corinthians verses about love. The most touching part was this:

    “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.”
    Olympia B recently posted..Easy Sun Salutations. Beginners’ Tips for Suryanamaskar A & BMy Profile

  4. Hi Jodi,

    Great article on showing what is love ,for what it is meant for and its importance in life.I also believe love have that much power that it can change anything.

    Thanks for sharing

    Shorya Bist
    From Youthofest

  5. Love Leo’s response–that was great! We talked about that in my monthly discussion group when we were talking about forgiveness and compassion (love). Does it really mean everyone? Yes! Like the Bible verse that reminds us that the sun shines on everyone without judgment or comparison.
    Galen Pearl recently posted..Jolly Molly? No Thanks!My Profile

  6. That is so true and there is no better time for me to understand that than now, when I have a new-ish baby. After the first one we often wonder, ‘Would we have enough to love another one when we’ve given everything to our first borne’. With my third baby I didn’t have these doubts, but it still took me by surprise just how much love we have to give. It doesn’t end…

  7. Harleena Singh@Freelance Writer

    Absolutely Jodi!

    We HAVE been created to love and be loved, though sadly so many people don’t realize this simple fact and waste their lives in hating each other. Wish things were better for them.

    Thanks for sharing.:)

  8. Really nice message, loved it. The hardest thing to do for me is loving myself, or believing that I am worthy of love, but I am trying to work on it.

      1. northforkmom - Mary

        <3<3<3 Lots of love to you Jodi. I don't know how I found you, but I feel so blessed just to know you through the computer! Your love & support means more than you know. Mary

        1. Mary, You are beautiful and deserve of it. I see your kindness and genuity. I wish I can hug you through the computer! xoxo

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