Jodi Aman, DSW, LCSW

TV | Podcasts | Radio | Social Media Collaborations

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Download this photo here. Aman is pronounced Ay-min.

Pundit for Emotional Self-Care, Mental Health, and Generation Z

Giving expert advice on Collective and Personal Trauma, Anxiety, Emotional Wellness, Generation Z, Youth Mental Health Crisis, Parenting & Educating Generation Z, Teen Dating Violence, Digital Depression, Emerging Adults, and more!

Listen to Dr. Jodi on the School Health Educators Podcast with Lori Reichel.

Dr. Jodi is a dream guest. The sound quality was perfect. She is knowledgeable, concise, and prepared. She is warm and relatable and shares practical tips you don't hear every day. After 28 years as a therapist,  she gives concise, empowering advice and is passionate about her message. Also, she shared my episode with her audience!                                                 ~ Colleen O'Grady, Power Your Parenting Podcast

when teens feel the weight of the world 2
Watch the Show!

Story Ideas

  • Why is the mental health crisis increasing
  • What role do phones play in Gen Z's emotional health
  • Prevalence and causes of teen dating violence
  • How to respond to a horrific event
  • Recipe for a robust mental health
  • Effects of current events and tragedies on young people
  • How to listen so young people can talk

Jodi Aman, DSW | Psychotherapist | Author | Speaker

Bio: (Aman is pronounced AY-min.)

Jodi Aman is a psychotherapist, author, and speaker. A doctor of social work with 28 years of experience in clinical practice. Her talk show, Ask Dr. Jodi, is live-streamed weekly on her YouTube channel @doctorjodi, where she shares mental health and relationship advice. With her videos, TEDxWilmington talk, "Calm Anxious Kids," and her award-winning books, she's helped over 2 million understand and reverse the current mental health crisis. More about Jodi.

“Jodi Aman is a warm and enthusiastic presenter who gives her audience an energetic jump-start on their healing journeys. I’ve known Jodi and watched her in action for many years. She empowers individuals and audiences to soar, to take the actions necessary to fulfill their wildest dreams.”

~John Perkins
NY Times Best-Selling Author of
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man

Recent Interviews

Anxiety about College Decision

Psychological Effect of Politics
Deal with psychological effects of politics

Back to school anxietyWhat to Do About School Anxiety

College Anxiety

Articles about and by me . . .

"Garnering strength each time I spend with Professor Jodi, I come away
from every session feeling very empowered and kind of special too..."
~ Nanette


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