One man was observing another man on the beach fishing. He noticed that he caught some big fish and some little fish. The big fish he threw right back into the water, yet he kept the little fish. Knowing this man was fishing for his dinner, the observer’s curiosity peaked.
He went over to the fisherman and asked, “Why do you keep the small fish, and throw back the big fish?”
The man said, “I only have a ten inch frying pan.”
Admit it, you limit yourself.

Recognize your limits and move beyond them
We all do in big and small ways. We hold ourselves back out of fear. And we don’t stand up for something when we feel undeserving. We don’t take chances in relationships. Neither do we try new ventures, nor attempt to stop our vices. We are afraid to heal since we are not sure what it would feel like.
But, why? Why not get a bigger pan, so you can have a bigger fish? *** Do you wonder if the bigger fish won’t taste as good, feel safe, or comfortable? We focus so much on the small fish in our lives, get caught up in them, protecting them, holding onto them, but in the end they limit us from our own greatest. They limit us from what we can do and accomplish and contribute to this world. It’s time we stop letting them.
“Argue for your limitations, and sure enough, they’re yours.” Richard Bach
Take a risk, and embrace your own greatness. You are the only you you have, be the best you can be. We assume it will be scary or hard, but when we take the leap, the freedom we feel is so great. The possibilities we open to are so amazing, that we wonder why we took so long in the first place.
What are you willing to push past?
***(This is a metaphor, I am not advocating for people to want bigger things materially.)
Special thanks and shout out to the brave woman who told me this story. She is pushing past the limits of her sense of low self worth, and it already shows to those around her who feel her growing power. She is a star and I love witnessing her transformation.
Loved the post Jodi!
On yes…I think most of limit ourselves and prefer to remain in our own comfort zones, because that’s what we are used to. But taking risks and reach out to achieve something you haven’t is what takes real courage.
Yes, the man could have thought of buying a larger frying pan and fishing for larger fish, yet he seemed happy with his small frying pan and small fish. Some people are like that – they remain happy and content within their own limited world and don’t seem to find the need to achieve or aim for more. I guess for such people the small fish and small frying pan seems alright too. But for those, who do want to make changes and a difference, they need to think beyond their limits.
Thanks for sharing and making all of us realize about the importance of pushing ourselves beyond our limits. 🙂
We can see the story from all sides, materialistically we ought to be happy with the fish that fills us without needing more. Of course. Maybe I should write another post about this.
Great post! It’s easy to get down and forget that we are the only “us” in the world. 🙂 And that is pretty darn great!
Gosh, if we only knew how many people feel the same way we do, we would feel normal again!
I want a bigger frying pan! This is great, and reminds me of speaker I heard a few years back who said that it was always the people around her who pushed her to play a bigger game than what she thought she could play. It’s helpful to have people who can see that part of you.
Laura Zera recently posted..Don’t Be a Walt Wawra
Be as great as you can be and keep it up! You can go places, girl! Go get ’em!
Over the past couple of years, one of my main practices has been to try to be aware of where I place the ceiling over my Vision, defining what is “possible” and what is “not”. Sometimes those notions can slip right by me, blindly accepted as fact if I don’t catch them. But I often find that, once exposed, many of those “self-evident limitations” seem ridiculous.
Seth Mullins recently posted..Mission Statement for The Spiritual Edge
We limit ourselves all the time, usually by fear and guilt. It is when we see the limits that we can push past them!
Really like this story, Jodi. I’m fishing for enormous fish today !
I hope you receive everything you dream of!
Great fish-and-pan metaphor and very interesting post Jodi. Enjoy your vacation!
Lisa W. Rosenberg recently posted..What are you Waiting For? Limbo vs. the Meantime.
Thanks Lisa, I was teaching a workshop and it went so well. There is something to be said about healing in community rather than in an office with just a therapist. I am thinking of making some big changes in how I do practice! How is it going starting back to work?
Great post, Jodi. I recall a time when I started writing I limited myself to what was comfortable. Then wonders of wonders I got bored with myself and tried new things (poetry stands out). Even thought it terrified me to say “I wrote a poem” for fear of laughter and judgement, I kept on pushing myself beyond my limits. It’s still terrifies me but I do it anyway. I think every time I send a query letter to an agent they’ll have a field day with my words, but then again, I wrote the book and not them. It take more courage than a person gives themselves credit for, when the step outside a comfort zone. Thanks much for the reminder. I needed it today.
Brenda recently posted..I’m Too Sexy For Myself
I am glad to serve your daily needs! I think when we stop limiting ourselves we end up with much more readers. I am trying to break through my own limits in my writing. And it is a slower process than I would like. I still don’t open completely and I think my numbers show this. BUt i will keep pushing past and finally break through!
–I do limit myself and have too many boundaries….
Excuse me while I go buy a BIG AS# pan, will you?
Xxx Love
My Inner Chick recently posted..FLIRTING WITH ANTONIO
Darling, your heart is so big and you are so full of love that you can buy a big ass pan!
What a fabulous post Jodi — and great inspiration. Thanks!
Thanks Louise!
My big fish lately has been running. I did a half marathon this summer. Due to an injury, it wasn’t great. So – I’m doing another one in October! As the kids say, “YOLO!” (you only live once:))
I have been trying to run, too. Not that far though. I do about 3 miles. I used to walk but with less time on my hands I can get more workout if I run. My big fish lately, I guess is time.:) You only live once, make it count and have fun doing it!