Tratak Meditation

Tratak is an ancient meditation that can help you decrease stress, anxiety, anger, and frustration. It brings clarity of mind, stopping random, hurtful thought processes.

We are all walking around with so much stress and anxiety. There are tons of thoughts running through our mind, pressure to be a certain way, get a certain amount of things done, and measure up to what is cool. It is so hard for us to settle ourselves down enough to enjoy life, let alone be able to sleep, laugh, or play. Meditation seems daunting. That doesn’t work for me, many of us think without really trying.

weeping buddha tratak meditations
Click to get a weeping Buddha like mine.

However, we know meditation works, and it has worked for thousands of years. If you’re just starting out, here is a perfect meditation to try. It is called Tratak meditation. It is easy. Perfect for a beginner! There are three ways of doing Tratak that I have experienced.

1. Gaze at an object

A candle flame is most often used since it symbolizes the light in our spirit. But you can use a dot, a figurine, or a mandala. Stare at it until your eyes begin to tear. Then close your eyes and see the candle light in your mind’s eye until it fades. Repeat at least ten times. Try the Tratak Guided Meditation.

guided meditations

2. Gaze into a partner’s eyes

The eyes are windows to the soul and making eye contact can increase connection and feelings of love. Most importantly it builds trust and confidence. Remember to meet the other’s eyes when clinking glasses in a toast, shaking hands, and listening to someone. This conveys the same connection and trust. It builds relationship and is only in relationship that we can open to our soul’s potential.

3. Gaze at yourself in a mirror

This is a great way to build self love. I had a client recently tell me of her newest revelation: She can now look into a mirror without wanting to “punch her reflection in the face.” Her self hatred used to be that intense and now it is transferring to “self like” on its way to the mother load: Self love. If you are looking to calm your anxiety, practice this daily. (Anxiety is a lack of trust in oneself.)

If you practice Tratak meditation you will notice an increase in concentration and confidence, an elevation in mood, an improvement of your patience, and solidifying of trust in yourself and the world. It can improve your physical eyesight, but will definitely improve your spiritual eyesight. You can do it for 2 minutes or 30 minutes, so don’t be afraid to try. Doing it for a short time is exponentially better than not doing it at all. The benefits will prove it is worth the efforts.

How Does it Work?

from Eternity Yoga

The light emitted from a flame is taken in by the eyes and generates energy. The lens of the eye concentrates the light and heat energy of the flame onto the retina, and conducts the light and energy through the optical nerves to the lobes at the rear of the brain. This energy that has entered through the eyes now increases energy in the Pineal gland and increases and improves its function.

The Pineal gland is located at the back of the head and feeds on light and heat energy. It is the only gland receptive to light, even though it is encased in bone. The Pineal gland is known as the “Third Eye” and converts light into the electromagnetic energy responsible for the entire body’s glandular system. Flooding the Pineal gland with light stimulates its development and functioning. This allows the opening of the “Third Eye” and the ensuing feeling of bliss.

Hindu scriptures say that the practice of Tratak develops the faculties of greater intuition and that the past, present and future all begin to appear with equal clarity.

Try it for one minute right now and then tell me how it goes!

29 thoughts on “Tratak Meditation”

  1. Thanks Jodi-I always have trouble with staying focused in meditation but I’m going to try this. Your suggestions are often so user-friendly!

  2. I usually light candles during my morning prayer/meditation time, but I have never used this particular technique. I will try it for sure. I like the biological aspect of the candle/third eye. Thank you.
    Galen Pearl recently posted..Grateful PraiseMy Profile

  3. Okay, Jodi, the only one I can deal with his option 1. I have no partner’s eyes to look into, and if I did, I’d probably fall into a fit of the giggles. And to stare at myself, would make me extremely uncomfortable. I know I’d feel awkward and get distracted by zits. So I’m going to try option 1 and let you know how it goes!
    Monica recently posted..Office PerksMy Profile

  4. I didn’t think I had an extra dose of stress but I had since I had trouble falling asleep despite being bone tired last night. I had even walked three miles earlier in the day. I am with Monica, I might laugh staring into the partner’s eyes, but I will try the first option tonight. I have to get through whatever is heavy on my heart. Thank, Jodi.
    brenda recently posted..A Mom’s Job DescriptionMy Profile

  5. I LOVE eye contact. It can last few seconds and feel like forever, or last very long and feel like you are reading the other person’s life story. Sometimes, I try it and have directly to look away, and that is with only few people whom I know can read and understand through my eyes
    nikky44 recently posted..Positive, positive, positiveMy Profile

    1. Jodi Lobozzo Aman

      Thanks Nikky, eye contact is so present moment, like the baby video you posted on my Facebook wall!

  6. Kundan Tripathi

    Hello Jodi, should people wearing corrective lenses for myopia practice tratak? With lenses on or off?

    1. Jodi Lobozzo Aman

      I don’t see how it would hurt you. The small flame is far enough away not to hurt the eyes and close enough to be seen clearly without the lenses. (Arm’s length). But go with your gut on this.

  7. Kind attention Jodi Lobozzoo Aman

    I have been practising flame tratak (ghee lamp) for the last 3/4 months. Initially my eyes began to tear within 2/3 minutes but now teeas only come after 15/20 minutes. I dont blink my eyes during my 15 minutes practice. During tratak i see the flame flickering some times though no air in my room. some time the flame is devided into two flames and some time i feel multiflames. Am i going to right track and how can i know that my eyes have got some power. Kindly enlighten me Thanks a lot

  8. Hello mam..i would like to know that is this method is effective in growing height, if yes then please guide me i m 19 yrs old from india…please i have read that height can be increased by meditation ..please help me on this., for this mam i will be ever grateful to you….rahul

    1. Jodi Lobozzo Aman

      I don’t know if there is research about it making you grow. Maybe you can conduct your own research.

  9. Michael Maharishi

    I like to meditate on a daily basis and it really helps quiet my mind, center, and calm me. Some of my best insights and inspiration comes to me while I meditate. Thanks so much for sharing these wonderful tips to help all of us.

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