Creating a Personal Mission Statement

Do you have a personal mission statement? A personal mission statement can help you be more of the person you want to be.

“My dear,
In the midst of hate, I found there was, within me, an invincible love, in the midst of tears, I found there was, within me, an invincible smile, in the midst of chaos, I found there was, within me, an invincible calm.
I realized, through it all, that…
In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer.
And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger – something better, pushing right back.
Truly yours,
Albert Camus”

personal mission statement writing to heal

Creating a personal mission statement

The shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, the winter solstice, is our opportunity to create new. Since June 21, the energy has been coming together, compressing so to speak. And after today, it will begin to expand for the next six months. Now begins my favorite time when it begins to get lighter earlier and earlier each day. It is like a fresh start, a new spring awaking.

At the beginning of this expanding energy, it is a great time for creating a personal mission statement.

It may be hard to talk about spring since this is the first day of winter. But within the winter, a spring is promised and prepared for.  It’s a good time to prepare our minds as well.

First, today and this week, we can let go of all of the past we want to let go of. Just set an intention to release it and then, talk, laugh, scream and cry, or lay on the ground, and let it all go. These things have held you back too long.

Because the new season is upon us, the days will get longer! The light and the letting go help us feel lighter. With this lightness of mind, body, and spirit, we can easily prepare for the next steps in our life purpose. It is time to create a personal mission statement.

In preparation, we need to find out what we desire.

How to create a personal mission statement

Ask yourself the following questions to help you brainstorm what is important to you. Take notes.
How do you want to be this coming year?
What do you want to share?
What changes do you want to make?
Who do you want to spend more time with?
What do you want to walk away from?
What do you want to walk toward?
Who do you hold precious?

Looking over the notes you just made, and write down what general action steps you need to take toward those things. Include the people in your life that will most support your mission and list how they can help.

The answers are within us, all we have to do it give ourselves a little quiet to hear them.

That’s it. It may change and develop so they don’t have to be too formal just yet. The just have to be like an arrow pointing you in a general direction. A map to help you on your life’s path.

Writing down your personal mission statement solidifies the intention. Telling someone, especially those you have included as supporters can help sustain your efforts.

What are some things you have included on your personal mission statement?

18 thoughts on “Creating a Personal Mission Statement”

  1. How do you want to be this coming year?
    Alive? free? I don’t know

    What do you want to share?
    my life experiences

    What changes do you want to make?
    take off the mask

    What do you want to walk away from?

    What do you want to walk towards?

    What do you want to hold precious?
    my true self

    Who do you want to spend more time with?
    my kids

  2. * moving from darkness toward light
    * I was going to say my journey but decided to say the light I am moving toward
    * letting others see me, the real me
    * the black hole draining my energy and joy
    * LOVE
    * the real me (after I find it)
    * everyone I love and everyone that loves me

    1. I’m glad to read your comment, I was trying to look for you, anywhere, just to say thank you and wish you a very Happy Christmas.

  3. My family business has been doing well this year and I think that I want to share something coming from what we earn. Maybe a food program in Africa or elsewhere, just to give back all the luck that we had for the year. I hope that it’s gonna be a good 2012 for all of us. Thanks for sharing. 😉

  4. Thanks for sharing this inspirational post, Jodi. And for referencing Camus’ quote in its entirety. I was only familiar with part of it so it’s nice to see it in context.

  5. Wonderful post. Perfect timing! The letter at the beginning is like a epilogue to St Francis of Assis prayer!
    There are too many conflicting priorities in my life right now to make for a big change in 2012 so I merely wish for continued good health in me and those I love!
    Wishing you peace, joy and happiness this winter solstice 🙂

  6. I am moving seven hours away from everything I know in about a month. After reading your post, I finally feel at peace about the situation for the first time. I don’t just feel at peace, actually–I feel excited for a season of adventure and newness. On the first day of the new semester, I usually have my students write resolutions or bucket lists. On this January 2, however, I can’t wait to post these questions on my board for them to think and dream and feel and respond to. (This soul exercise was certainly an enlightening experience for me!) I’ll also be reading “My dear” as a part of our daily inspiration. I was so thrilled that such an accomplished and graceful woman took the time to write a comment on my blog post, “The Weekend Wife.” You truly encouraged me, and I am glad I found your site so that I can drink in more of the peace, healing, light, and life that I am so thirsty for. Blessed be, Jodi. Thank you for your work, your depth, and your inspiration. You are admired.

    1. Thank you, Melissa, That is so kind and from the heart. This is just like you to write from this heart space, I, too was glad when I found your blog and the real expressions I found there. When people write of themselves, they are relatable and can touch their readers deeply. I feel you have this gift. Thanks again and I look forward to reading about this new adventure, full of fear and excitement! Love, Jodi

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