Helping Children with Anxiety
My babies are my world
I can’t stand to see them suffer. I know they are spiritual beings on their own journey and they have to have their own experiences, but couldn’t they just have good experiences? Couldn’t I just wrap them up in my love, protect them from suffering and let them enjoy the finer things in life?
Watching my children’s emotional stress when they are feeling anxious, nervous, or obsessed has left me heartbroken, and quite frankly, pretty anxious myself. I mean, how can I protect them from their own minds?
I felt stuck and overwhelmed. No matter how much I tried to convince them they were OK, Anxiety had them arguing against me.
I’m sure it comes as no surprise to you that my anxious and frustrated reaction made the situation worse. So I started to be very calm and confident as I responded to them. And it made all of the difference.
Over the 20 years with trial and error and tons of practice with my kids, and many, many clients, I learned ways to help children with anxiety.
This has helped my family and so many other families that I had to share it in this video course. It is one of the most important things that I have shared to date.
I can’t stand that there are tons of kids and families suffering. I want to help.
Help Your Children with Anxiety

Anxiety is not a life sentence. They do not have a mental illness. They CAN get better.
I don’t want you to have to stand by and watch them suffer any longer. Let’s do something about it. Click to sign up for the video course.
It’s time to help your family feel better!