How to Help Someone With Depression

How to help people with depression

Depression abounds after crisis. I didn’t know how important this post would be today.

Sometimes life events – some close and some very far away – could have us really feeling helpless and worried. “Helpless” and “worried” don’t play nice together and can lead to our own depression and overwhelm.

This is exactly how I feel when someone I know has depression, is in pain, or suffering from some event. (This is even how I feel when it is someone I don’t know has depression, is in pain or suffering.)

In the world, there are many people suffering with depression, sadness and pain 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so then, what do we do?

There are two important things that you are not helpless about. And if you focused on these, you wouldn’t feel so worried. You would contribute to making this world a better place:

  1. How to think about it
  2. What to do about it

In my video How to Think about World Trauma, I address the first one, and in today’s episode, I address the second one and answer the question on how to be truly helpful to other people suffering with depression .

How to Help Someone With Depression

Learn how to free yourself and your loved-one from the pain! Focus on their awesome skills and reflect them back to them.

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Lift everyone out of pain and suffering.

Everyone suffers. That’s life. But people survive and keep going. What helps them to move on from life’s tragedies is connection to their skills and abilities. You can help by noticing these and sharing your observations! This will help them connect and build confidence in themselves.

All around the web this month:

Undoing Anxiety with ACIM Webinar Series

Finding Your Power Over Anxiety Blab with Robin Jay

Anxiety Coaches Podcast

Trauma Recovery University

Conquer Worry Podcast

Crockpot Mamas FB LIVE broadcast about Plantain Oil

Honest Mom Why does Anxiety Come Out of the Blue

Anxiety Help: How To Free Yourself From Fear And Panic Attacks

Anxiety Treatment

What do you do for your friends who are struggling?

10 thoughts on “How to Help Someone With Depression”

  1. Depression is something that one has just as one has other things. The problem occurs when we identify ourselves with it. Once you dissociate with it then dealing with it is easy.

  2. Great post, thanks for sharing! Depression is a serious matter that growing rapidly without other people around you knowing it. It is best if you family/friend can consult a professional as sooner better.

  3. Your advice could be really great and helpful for some people, and I definitely like your point about moving our bodies. Doing some sports or just hang out outdoors also an efficient way to avoid depression or a bad mood.

  4. Being there for a depressed person makes them feel for once that they aren’t worthless.
    If they talk to you, listen . even if it is the awkwardest conversation ever. Just listen..oh and always give them a hug at last. It always helps.

  5. Thank you, Doctor Jodi, for these invaluable insights. Focusing on a person’s strengths and reflecting them back is such a compassionate approach. It not only fosters connection but also empowers those struggling with depression. Your guidance is truly uplifting.

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