Nourishing Your Spiritual Practice – FB LIVE

Why would anyone need a nourishing spiritual practice?

Because life’s hard and we can all use a bit of help staying connected, grounded, open, grateful, and happy.

I’m a busy person with a busy life. Family, friends and work can take up a lot of hours in my day and if I don’t carve out time to devote to myself and my own self-care, I will start to feel overwhelmed. This is why I want to help you in starting and sustaining a nourishing spiritual practice!

Creating a spiritual practice starts with 5 ingredients:

1. Time
2. Conversation
3. Body
4. Community
5. Nature

Watch to learn more!

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The Importance of Meditation in Starting a Spiritual Practice

Taking a few minutes a day to quiet your mind can change your life. I use it in my own life and with my clients all of the time. There are many studies on the benefits of meditation touting that it improves your immunity, skin and overall health, reduces pain, anxiety and blood pressure, and raises your mood, confidence and energy.

I can attest that meditation has made physical, emotional and spiritual improvements in my life. I put together a 21-day meditation program called Living Free. Check it out. It’s a great way to start a meditation practice or to amp up your current one!

Downloads from Spirit: I also mention my Happy Soul Messages in this video. These are no longer available.

What are you going commit to trying?

3 thoughts on “Nourishing Your Spiritual Practice – FB LIVE”

  1. A spiritual practice, like anything else, needs to be a priority for it to happen. I love that you started with TIME.

    Meditation is amazing for keeping that vibration high and staying connected to our inner being. I am going to read/watch more of what you do.

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