Is Fear Ruining Your Relationships? with Poppy & Geoff – FB Live

Fear in Relationships

It’s so easy to get caught up with fear in relationships, especially because they are important to us. Relationships seem to be especially scary for many of us. It is about preventing hurt feelings. Preventing rejection, disappointment, betrayal. Not to mention, we’re afraid to be vulnerable, or worse – feel unloved. We’re afraid to be ourselves. Fear in relationships causes stress and anxiety and often leads to misunderstandings.

My guests today know about these fears all too well. Poppy and Geoff Spencer have a special love story which they chronicle in their book, One Billion Seconds. It’s a beautiful real-life tale of how love can transcend time and bring two souls together. Poppy and Geoff have made it their life’s passion to help people understand relationships. They’re all about making well-informed decisions that allow you to open your mind and heart. (Their bio is below the video.)

Listen in as they relate their own struggles with fear in relationships and what they have learned. They also offer their tips for a healthy, happy, heart-based relationship.

Fear in Relationships with Poppy and Geoff

[clickToTweet tweet=”On being fearless in relationships. @JodiAman @relationalAteam” quote=”The benefits of being fearless in relationships. “]

The Role of Gratitude in Relationships

It’s time to feel happy and present in your relationships. It’s time to reclaim your joy. Like Poppy and Geoff say in the video, gratitude plays a huge role in this. Shifting the focus from fear in relationships to what lights you up about the other person helps you remember why you’re in it. This pulls you out of the negativity to give you a clearer picture. It helps you recall what truly matters.

What are your tips for shifting from fear to love in a relationship?

Here are mine:

1. Be present

2. Acknowledge

3. Do things you don’t want to do

4. Don’t jump to getting defensive

5. Be compassionate