Tapping Fears Away with Tom Porpiglia – FB LIVE

“Tapping Fears Away with Tom Porpiglia” gives you one more tool in your tool belt to handle and get rid of anxiety, PTSD and depression. These problems are so hard to heal because they capture the mind, spirit and the body in its grips.

jodi aman on facebook live(I GO LIVE on my Facebook page, several times a week!)

Let’s face it, we can all use as much help as possible when it comes to handling stress, fear and anxiety. You don’t have to do this alone. Have you ever tried tapping? Have you heard of EFT?

Meet my friend and colleague Tom Porpiglia.

Tom is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor at Life Script Mental Health Counseling Services. He is an EFT Therapist and his work has helped so many people! As a Veteran of Vietnam, Tom is especially interested in helping veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Military Sexual Trauma or Moral Injury.

What is Tapping (EFT)?

Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT is like acupuncture for the emotions without needles. What happens is we tap on acupressure points defined by acupuncture while focusing on thoughts and phrases that define the issue. Tapping works by releasing blockages within the energy system that are the source of emotional discomfort.

EFT uses our fingertips to tap on the end points of energy meridians. These are located just beneath the surface of the skin. It is safe and non-invasive. Tapping also works along the lines of the philosophy of making change as simple and comfortable as possible.

I love so many things about Tapping and one of my favorite is that EFT restores trust in the natural healing abilities of our own mind and body!

When you watch this video you will learn what you need to tap NOW! Tapping has no risk so you can tap along with us…

Tapping Fears Away with Tom Porpiglia

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Tapping Can Help with the Following:

  • Traumatic memories
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Phobias
  • Addictions
  • Limiting fears or beliefs


What do you want to tap away? 

1 thought on “Tapping Fears Away with Tom Porpiglia – FB LIVE”

  1. This article is like a stress relief kit in blog form! The way you explain tapping makes it sound so simple—like “stress be gone” magic. I’m tempted to try it during my next life crisis (or minor inconvenience). Thanks for showing how humor and healing can go hand in hand!

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