
Videos and articles on self-care, self-compassion, self-love, self-forgiveness and self-worth by Dr. Jodi.

Bully-Shift! What to do if your kids are bullied!

Almost every kid is bullied at one time or another. Though the severity is variable, the consequences of any degree of bullying can be major on a kid’s sense of self. When bullied, kids report feeling lonely, nervous, angry, and sad. They develop poor opinions of themselves, assuming the identities proffered by the bullies. Ugly. Fat. […]

Bully-Shift! What to do if your kids are bullied! Read More »

finding peace within, helming power of breath, cord disconnection

You Are Either Right or You Are Happy – Better Understanding

How about a little perspective? In the midst of the chaos of a bad conflict, we often have a thin, finite view of the situation. It may appear unfair, unjust, and infuriating. We want to be “right” about this and would give anything to be acknowledged for our rightness. And most of the time we

You Are Either Right or You Are Happy – Better Understanding Read More »

how to find peace

How to Find Peace By Going Outside of Yourself (Part 2 of 3)

Monday I shared finding peace by going within ourselves, (Part 1) our bodies, our minds. Today we’ll walkabout how to find peace by going outside of yourself. Tomorrow is Part 3 Finding Peace by going without. I wrote this series because people are so filled with anxiety in our culture. This anxiety is causing many problems

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