You Better Get Wild Right Now Young (40 year old) Lady!

40 Things I Will Give Up For The Second Half of My Life

Get wild about how I think

1.Putting conditions on love: expect something from someone when I offer kindness and compassion.

2. Judging others for things I am also likely to do.

3. False speech.

Get wild!
Wild Lady

4. Complaining about something rather than changing my situation.

5. Worry about getting close to people or offering myself in love and friendship.

6. Wasting food while people are starving in the world.

7. Restraining my passion, holding anything back from my true purpose.

8. Yelling at my kids or being angry that I allowed them to so something and making them feel guilty.

Get wild out how I act

9. Judging myself harshly or at all.

10. Having a crappy attitude: seeing the bad in things, instead of being grateful for the little things.

11. Self doubt (nuff said)

12. Thinking that I’m vulnerable.

13. Procrastinating what I believe is hard work.

14. Judging situations before understanding the big picture.

15. Holding limiting beliefs that cloud my view of that same big picture.

16. Thinking I am alone.

Get wild about what I expect

17. Expectations that are too high or excuses like “I can’t.”

18. Distrusting the process.

19. Grudges held against anyone, withholding forgiveness in all forms,

20. Wasting time, energy on negativity.

21. Constraints in my mind and heart, these are just fear.

22.Resentment, lest it eat away my soul.

23. Covering my light under a bushel.

24. Dual thinking: any win-lose mentality, transforming to a win-win mentality, where I am everyone and everyone is God.

25. Assumptions that make me angry.

Get wild about what I let go

26. Anger.

27. Thinking I am abnormal, or not good enough.

28. Ego.

29. Stress without awareness.

30. Sugar.

31. Unrealistic, unreachable, impractical standards.

32. Bringing people down, lowering anyone’s vibration by putting them off

33. Avoiding what I assume is hard.

34. Dwelling on my past

35. Dwelling on my future

36. Unreasonable expectations that I can too easily fail.

37. Wasting money on things I would not vote for.

38. Saying no when someone needs me.

39. Dense, heavy energy

And last but certainly not least, 40.Holding back my passion. I’ve got to get wild!

“All emotions grow in size when practiced regularly. Practice love to grow more love.”

In the comment section, add one thing you want to give up in your life?

59 thoughts on “You Better Get Wild Right Now Young (40 year old) Lady!”

    1. Jodi Lobozzo Aman

      Haha! Sugar, unexpected, but it really is big business, and not a good one. Plus is breaks down the immune system and causes inflammation. Not much good about it!

  1. Enjoy turning 40 – embrace it! Inspiring list, I will have to try one or two of those! I am going to give up taking it personally when other people judge my life choices!

  2. Im turning 40 in September…a good idea to make a list of positive changes to make in your like. I will have to do this also-so much stress and saddness in my life the last few years…thanks for doing this and for being positive-I love to read your FB entries. Happy 40th!

    1. Jodi Lobozzo Aman

      Thanks Jen,
      I hope things are getting better! We have a lot to look forward to! I have heard 40 is awesome!

  3. Have a magical birthday and year!! Think of all the highpoints in the past decade and realize that the next ten have all that experience and wisdom and will now shine even more for you! Stardust and memories! Sweet life, Jodi…Stars and smiles, Sandyskyblue ♥

  4. Jodi, What a wonderful list! If I could just do one or two I would be a head of the game. Thank you for sharing and giving me something to really think about and strive for!

      1. Made it through the weekend. Kept a smile on my face to cover the agony but I survived. Had a nice dinner with good friends. I still can’t believe I’m 59 though! 🙁

  5. Turning forty is an amazingly fun journey. We all still have a lot to learn and or unlearn. Good luck on your list, I just may work on a few from your list too. Happy Birthday!

  6. OOOh, I would love to win the healing season, I’ve had some back issues lately. I’d like to give up pain. Hope your week is special!

  7. I feel like I have dense heavy energy around me, too. I can’t believe you said that! I use prayer, take salt baths, get messages and nothing works. It has been a couple of years and I don’t know what it is.

    1. Jodi Lobozzo Aman

      try the cord disconnection meditations, perhaps this will help you know what it is. Sometime understanding it helps us get rid of…Let me know how I can help.

  8. You are already a wild child…you will be only be another day older on your birthday…and wiser. Each and everyday is a blessing and a learning experience…keep them coming, Jodi…you are an amazing influence!!!!

  9. Wow! That list is impressive!!! It would have taken me at least 40 weeks to come up with all of those. You are one insightful lady! I love these goals, I don’t doubt that you can reach them. I hope that in the process of striving to attain them, that you are kind, gentle, and patient with yourself. I would be interested to hear about the ways in which you achieve some of these things so that I can follow suit = ). Like what is the plan for not wasting food?

    1. Jodi Lobozzo Aman

      Will keep you posted! Make less of it. Buy what is good for you. Take time to prepare it. Eat it and the left overs!

  10. Jodi,

    Happy Birthday! This is a great post and if more people were to remove some of the things on your list the world would benefit. Enjoy your 40’s they can be magical! And believe me when I say, from someone who just turned 51, do NOT fear the 50’s! At least for me, the 40’s were where I really discovered myself and the path I wanted to begin following…instead of the path I had been following because everyone told me that was the way I needed to go down. And the 50’s, so far, have been even sweeter!
    Lisa Gomley recently posted..The meaning behind the nameMy Profile

  11. Hi Jodi! You’re going to love your 40’s ~ it only gets better!! I love your list – I may have to make a list of my own!!

    Lisa : D

  12. Wonderful post–I love the list and the thought that must have gone into its creation. And happy birthday!

    I will turn 50 next year. I haven’t quite made peace with it. I had no problem with 40, but 50? I’ll be OK, though.

    I want to give up worry. It’s so destructive, and so easy to do–and hard to give up!

    I also need to give up sugar. I have read about the connection to inflammation, and I need to try.
    Tina Barbour recently posted..Spreading hopeMy Profile

  13. Wow! That list is amazing and inspiring! I would love to not avoid things that are hard, stop yelling at my kids and stop judging myself and anyone else. I always try to follow your footsteps, Jodi—you are leading us all on an incredible journey with this insightful blog.

    p.s. I LOVE the Anxiety Schmanxiety blog, too!

  14. Happy Birthday Milestone! Remember, someone once said, “Forty isn’t fatal.” And it’s true! Now, 50 is another story (Just kidding. As someone who is well into her 50’s, it’s not, either.)
    Monica recently posted..Prisoner of LoveMy Profile

  15. Happy Birthday! 40 is just around the bend for me too – I think I’ll give up feeling old and upset about my age.

    1. Jodi Lobozzo Aman

      Man, I am soooo busy this week, I have no time to care about being old! Thanks, bridget, can’t wait to celebrate with you!

    1. Jodi Lobozzo Aman

      Thanks Lin! Your life is wild! Keep breathing! I am just researching cancer and oxygen, really fascinating!

  16. Happy Birthday Jodi! I really love your list, but I wondered about number 12. Doesn’t vulnerability sometimes lead to the greatest joys of being human? I think you meant it in a different way than I do, but I believe allowing ourselves to be vulnerable means letting other people get close enough to touch us. It’s often a risk, putting our hearts on the line, but so often worth it.


    Lisa W. Rosenberg recently posted..The Hunger Games, Corduroy and MeMy Profile

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