Doctor Jodi

Jodi Aman, Doctor of Social Work, is a psychotherapist, author, and speaker. Using her unique and varied training, rooted ethics, and 28 years of experience as a trauma-informed psychotherapist, Dr. Jodi guides sensitive souls in releasing what they don't want, strengthening their emotional bandwidth, and creating a happy, purposeful life. With her videos, courses, TedxWilmington talk, and award-winning books, she's supported over two million people.

Shapeshifting Into Higher Consciousness

Shapeshifting Into Higher Consciousness

A year ago, I decided to do something to nurture my soul. Working hard to build my practice, study and teach Narrative Therapy, and attend to my family and home, I had been neglecting myself. Looking for a retreat that allowed me to pause my hectic life and spend time inside my heart rather than in my head, while at the same time supported my mission to help others, I signed up for a course at Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, New York.

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