Anxiety Help

Worry fear and anxiety problems and what to do about them. worry panic anxiety, anxious, nervous, worried afraid scared

surviving ups and downs

How Important Is Self Worth in Healing?

Improving self worth is of utmost importance! Believing that you don’t deserve to heal is one of the biggest blocks to healing. And just going from undeserving to deserving is healing itself. I feel honored everyday that I get to witness my clients’ shift in their self worth, from unworthy to worthy; first in small

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Bully-Shift! What to do if your kids are bullied!

Almost every kid is bullied at one time or another. Though the severity is variable, the consequences of any degree of bullying can be major on a kid’s sense of self. When bullied, kids report feeling lonely, nervous, angry, and sad. They develop poor opinions of themselves, assuming the identities proffered by the bullies. Ugly. Fat.

Bully-Shift! What to do if your kids are bullied! Read More »

Listen to your heart

The Decision to Medicate Your Children (Or Yourself)

The percentage of psychotropic medication prescribed to young people has doubled globally in the last twenty years. On the one hand, it means more young people have access to these life-saving medicines. On the other, it reflects a growing problem of increased mental health concerns among our youth. However, it begs the question of what

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