Finding Your Purpose for 2016

find your purpose Meditate for Peace

Want help to find your purpose for 2016?

I do! I do!

Well, I am here to help! Here is my yearly ritual to find your purpose. It helps me get crystal clear on how I want to spend my time and energy in the new year so I can maximize the impact I have on the people I want to serve.

Before I do that, I always reflect on the current year and list my accomplishments. Please do this step!

This year was a doozy for me: I created, wrote, shot, and edited over 200 videos and audios for YouTube and FOUR complete online programs that empower people to let go of pain and problems and have more joy in their lives. Had 1200 one-on-one counseling sessions. Ran a meditation group. Held a live retreat. Rebranded. Learned how to webinar. Re-designed my website. Managed two awesome employees and countless contractors. Cameoed in a The Secrets of the Keys. Handled one sprained ankle, one broken arm, and two family members in the hospital. Kissed and loved my kids every day (annoyed them too, as only a mother can do). Volunteered. Cooked. Cleaned. Gardened. Joined Cross-fit. Visited my grammy as much as I could (not nearly enough). Showed my husband how important he is to me. And my latest and biggest accomplishment….drum roll pleeeeeeeeeease……

COMPLETED A FULL MANUSCRIPT for my new book on anxiety to be released early in 2016.

What is in store for me in 2016?

What is in store for me in 2016? Help more people!

Now your turn…scroll down and write in the comment section the accomplishments that you have made this year.*****

Then, check out 2015’s favorite videos.

Then, watch this video that I put together last year. It is my favorite yearly ritual!

The winter solstice is a perfect time for reflecting on your life, renewing your commitments, to find your purpose.

Then, when you are ready, listen to the guided meditation below it.

Think about:

What is working and what is not working?

How are you going to serve yourself and the world this coming year?


Find Your Purpose for 2016

Guided meditation: What is my life purpose?

This is a guided meditation for the Winter Solstice to help you get you marching orders for the year ahead. It will help you appreciate yourself and find guidance in your life when you need it.

Get cozy under your Christmas tree or with your menorah or some candles and listen to this guided meditation.

You will ask your higher wisdom:

What do you appreciate about me?

What are the next steps in my healing journey?

How am I going to serve myself and the world around me this year?

How will you support, love and guide me? 


Here’s the solstice audio meditation. Click the orange play button!

What are your marching orders for the new year?

7 thoughts on “Finding Your Purpose for 2016”

  1. This year I have accomplished a lot of things, maybe not important ones, but they were achievements. I have moved to a more decent place where my kids and I can be more comfortable and live a less stressful life. I resisted a lot of pressure of sending the children back and I didn’t even after I had said yes under pressure. I continued working despite the doctor’s advise to stop. I took 2 weeks off to the UK to achieve one of my dreams and visit my friend. I feel every day that passes is an achievement.

  2. In 2016 I provided my family with whole meals and learned to cook so many delicious and nutritious foods. I proudly succeeded in making ferments (after a few failures ;). I connected with my children and provided them with experiences to bring our family closer together: playing, laughing, camping, exploring. I survived two big milestones for my children: oldest starting Kindergarten and youngest went to preschool for the first time. I also let go of just enough worry and guilt to exercise once a week. Boy, that feels good! I hosted friends and family to bring people closer together and drove many hours to visit family so my children can spend more time with grand-parents and cousins. Thank you for the opportunity to reflect! I hadn’t realized just how much I accomplished and how much I have to feel proud of!!

  3. In 2015, I adopted my three foster children and decided to become healthier. I started eating only healthy foods, started exercising, and had bariatric surgery. My work for 2016 is to work on mindfulness and being present in my life.

  4. In 2015 I built my grandkids a nice playground in our backyard. Throughout the year I maintained a exercise program. Also my wife and I took part in a LifeGroup of Christian friends. I’ve continued trying to work through negative emotions from being a survivor of sexual child abuse. In 2016 I want to love people more as a follower of Jesus and attempt to somehow share my story with others who may also struggle.

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