This BONUS episode is an interview of Julia Leahy from @morepestorplease on Tiktok. Julia, who has over 1 million people following her hysterical antidotal videos as she observes life, gets candid about her own experience as a Gen Z-er and speaks about the anxiety and turmoil of her peers after the COVID pandemic. Follow Julia on TikTok @morepestoplease. (Julia stays clean in this episode, but her videos contain adult subjects and language, so they are not for my young audience!) Also, check out her new podcast, The Pesto Pod!

Julia is a film and TV major in NYC. During the pandemic, she found a voice on TikTok to keep in touch with her friends. Her raw and honed talent as a writer and performer attracted flocks of people to follow along on her adventures, growing the channel to over 1 million followers.
“I think my generation is struggling so much with the aftermath of COVID. And, the problem is, there’s no precedent of how to recover. We can’t look to anyone for guidance because this has never happened.” Julia Leahy
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Jodi: Hey, you’re here with Doctor Jodi, and this is Season 2 of “Anxiety… I’m So Done with You!” This podcast is a teen and young adult guide to ditching toxic stress and hardwiring your brain for happiness. If you’re new, here grab a copy of my book Anxiety… I’m So Done with You!” because this series follows it section by section, going a little bit deeper, giving more examples, and telling more stories. Season 2, which accompanies Chapter 2, details the lies that anxiety, depression, and negative thinking tell you to get you to believe in them. Once you know what they are, you can see them coming a mile away and call them out. That way, they can no longer sucker-punch you with their toxicity. I appreciate your listening, subscribing, and leaving me five stars on Apple podcasts. If I’ve helped you, kindly spread the word about this book and podcast series. Mental health problems are invisible, so you never know who is struggling around you. Your sharing can make a huge difference in their lives!
Hey it’s Dr. Jodi here! Welcome to this episode! I have an exceptional guest, Julia Leahy, of @morepestoplease on TikTok, here to talk to me and represent your generation. Welcome Julia!
Julia: Hello, thanks for having me.
Jodi: I’m so excited to have you because I’ve been watching your TikTok channel, More Pesto Please, grow in the last two years. And from my position as an outsider, I see some significant things you’re doing. I brought you on because I am interested in your take on what’s happening with people your age. I’m curious about your thoughts.
Welcome, Julia!
Julia: Yeah, I don’t know if I’m the best voice for people my age, but I try my best to make people laugh online, so…
Jodi: If you think about it, throughout human history, being entertained, laughing, and having distraction has gotten humans through so many things.
Julia: Oh yeah, humor to me is like the entire basis of my whole personality. It’s just how I walk into a room and carry myself. It’s my go-to way of relating to other humans.
Jodi: It’s relatable.
Julia: Yeah, it’s relatable.
Jodi: When you tell a story, and it’s funny, we all watch you, experiencing it as if it is happening to us. We can imagine what you’re feeling. That’s a natural gift to express yourself and tell stories that way. You’re really a storyteller.
Julia: Thank you. You know that I’m a theater kid first and foremost, so this is my way of performing. Storytelling is a good way to put it. I don’t know; I’ve kind of stumbled on it. And now, I love it.
Jodi: I noticed your vocabulary makes your videos hysterical. You’re a great writer as well, and I think that’s what makes the videos so brilliant.
Julia: Thank you for saying that because I would love to be a writer. I’m a film and TV major right now. I would love to go into comedy writing. I’m making these videos like, “Oh, maybe someone will pick up on the fact that I can write!” That would be great. If I were a business major, I’d worry about leaving this digital footprint, but considering this is what I want to do, I’ve decided to run with it.
Jodi: This is one of the best things you could do, considering what you want to do in your life. You have to show them that you can write, tell a story, have a story arc, carry through, and be consistent. Oh, it’s saying all the things. I know the drill because I have two kids in film and media. If I could go back to school, I would have studied film. It wasn’t a major one when I was young.
Julia: It was “communications/media studies.”
Jodi: I’m a social worker and love what I do, so I’m okay. Anyway, there’s a lot of storytelling in my work. And, of course, listening to stories. People are inherently storytellers. We relate to things, learn, remember things, and more through stories. Stories are very important. Let me ask you some questions to get to know you a little bit: What is your impression of your generation?
Julia: There are some really awesome things about my generation. We’re more accepting than we’ve ever been. Also, we’re challenging of what is like set in place, which I think is good. We like to challenge the systems that we have been living by. And, we challenge authority, too, a little bit, which I think can be good. That’s not to say we are not very flawed.
It’s been said and said––it’s, like, getting old––but covid really changed everything. It changed how we talk to each other, how we relate, and technology, like how we communicate. It changed everything. I had a completely different personality before COVID. I think my generation is struggling so much with the aftermath of COVID. The problem is there’s no precedent of how to recover. We can’t look to anyone for guidance because this has never happened.
Jodi: How do you see yourself changed? When you say you “changed completely,” give us an example of what you mean.
Julia: I don’t even know. I look at pictures of myself, and I barely recognize myself. My appearance changed so much. The way I process things. My relationship with my friends and family changed so much. I’m closer to them. They’re more important now. I think, in some ways, it has changed me for the better. I am a lot closer to my family––I get more homesick now. Getting forced back to go home for a year, and then that being my normal for a little bit. I don’t know. It changed so much. And it destroyed so much, too. There are so many people that are my age and younger, and that can’t talk to each other. It’s really tough, and it’s hard to articulate because we don’t have any way of articulating it. And we don’t have the guidance to do that.
Jodi: For sure, I see a lot of young people struggling. That’s why I’m doing this podcast. There are so many people suffering. I’d like to give them a spark of hope back––to show them how to feel better. I’m curious about your story. You experienced the COVID pandemic, and then you had the popularity of your TikTok channel, which affects people completely, and then you’re also at this sensitive age in your life for as well.
Julia: Oh yeah.
Jodi: So I don’t even know how you decide which of those three has really impacted you the most.
Julia: Being in college is such a crazy time in general. You’re leaving home and becoming a human being and independent. Yeah, for something that extreme to happen in that very key time in my life and my peers’ lives is like, I can’t even… I know I’m not doing it justice, but I can’t begin to describe the effects it has had.
Jodi: It hasn’t like integrated yet, so you don’t even know how to tell that story. Do you think you would have started TikTok?
Julia: I don’t know. I started over lockdown, and it was a way of me keeping in touch with my friends that I was ripped away from. So I don’t know. I’m probably gonna guess no.
Jodi: Tell me what you see happening with your peers.
Julia: I’m pretty fortunate with my year the way it fell, but the year below me had, hands down, the hardest time. I at least had a normal freshman year and was sent down sent home in March of my freshman year of college. So I was able to integrate into college normally and make friends for at least three-quarters of a school year before it all got shut down. But for the year below me? They didn’t have a normal senior graduation. I look back on my senior year in high school: I loved it. I would have been devastated if I lost that. You know, I’m in theater. If I couldn’t do my last show, oh my God, I can’t even describe how that would have like mentally ravaged me. Then, they started college, and they couldn’t leave their dorms. They had to eat in pods so they didn’t have too much contact with other people. You couldn’t make friends. So many of my friends that are in the grade below me transferred, dropped out, or went home because it was impossible. I would have done the exact same thing. I was lucky with the way I fell because at least I had a small group of friends established. The year below me and the years after that––not having a normal high school experience and then coming into college with everything so different.
Jodi: You probably noticed some people are doing okay, and some are struggling. What do you think makes the difference? Luck? Skills? Context? The way they think?
The difference:
Julia: Honestly, I don’t think it has a pattern. I know people that I went to high school with who were extroverts, had a plan, and whatever. Then COVID happened, and they’re like totally not where they would have thought they’d be. So, I don’t think there’s a pattern how it affects. But, if this like frames it in any way, I remember the fall of 2020, I was meeting with a new therapist, and it was so hard to find a new therapist because everyone was booked up. Everyone’s going to therapy because everyone’s going nuts. I have like four really close friends that I live with, and we all go to therapy. Everyone struggled. No one like got away completely unscathed.
Jodi: Yeah. On my podcast, I have shared how our dopamine was affected. When we experience something good, dopamine is released, and we’re like, “We like that,” and we do it again, and our dopamine hits, and we’re like, “We like that,” we do it again. In lockdown, it wasn’t hitting. After a while of it not releasing, people stop caring about doing anything pleasurable. That disinterest can be hard to push through to be active again. That’s why I’m interested in sharing your journey. I noticed some people consuming content online has different experiences from those who are creating content. Creating content (creativity) charges up the mind and makes us feel a little bit more empowered emotionally. During the lockdowns, you may have noticed that some people were intuitively creating because their minds needed to do something: for example, they were trying new recipes or building an obstacle course in their backyard. Then, some people sat passively, scrolling and consuming. I noticed they felt worse. It made a difference. Did that make a difference to you?
Julia: I don’t think I’m like a black-and-white case. I was finding this new platform, making videos, and gaining some attention, so that was really cool. And I do think that helped me a little bit, but then at the same time, when I think of those few months right after we got sent home. That was the hardest time of my life. Ever. Yeah, hands down. I was seriously struggling with body image issues and disordered eating. I was unmotivated and felt defeated. It was just a terrible, terrible time, though, I was creating. (I’m doing so much better now.) I was creating stuff and finding this new voice, and yeah, I do think that helped me. But, I think everyone, even the creators, wasn’t unaffected.
Jodi: Of course, not unaffected. But you had this platform, your therapist, and I don’t know what else. I’m sure you had more tools. Maybe we could talk about what helped you get out of that dark place.
Julia: Yeah, I did. My parents were great. My mom said, “We gotta get, we gotta walk around the block.” We were literally just sitting in our house; she’s like, “We gotta do something.” So, we made it work.
Jodi: It took a lot of bandwidth. Yeah. Dealing with your clients, yourself, and your kids. Julia and I know each other. We’re from the same town, and I was the mom in the theater where Julia performed. So, you know that I have kids too around your age, so I get it.
Julia: I’m sure there were tears shed.
Jodi: We were like, “Come on, let’s get out,” too.
Coping 2:
Julia: Yeah, I have an older sister, but she doesn’t live with my parents. She lives in DC. She’s much older, and she did come home for a little bit when COVID hit. For a while, she was still working in DC, and it was just me and my parents. I was like, “Please, I just need somebody my age to speak to.” I’m an extroverted person too. It was such a weird social time for me. It was terrible, really, really terrible.
Jodi: How did humor play into it? Your mom took you on walks, and she knew the struggles you were going through.
Julia: Yeah, yeah. She’s great.
Jodi: What role did humor play, not only in creating content or bringing humor to other people but did you use it for yourself too?
Julia: You gotta laugh. That’s the only way you’re gonna like make it through anything. That’s how I deal with literally anything––by making a new joke, by laughing about it. I sometimes think back to when we were completely in lockdown. It was just me and my parents. We laughed at some dumb stuff, just trying to make it one day at a time. We used humor all the time and still use it for everything.
Jodi: Are your parents funny too?
Julia: Oh my God, my parents are hilarious. I get a lot of my humor from my dad, for sure. He has to make a TikTok. That would break the internet.
Jodi: You spoke about creating content, and it’s good you had this new platform. Did it also make your self-judgment go up? Were you thinking, “Everyone’s looking; I got to do my best.”? Were there positive and negative comments on your videos? How did that help or hurt you?
Effects of quick fame:
Julia: I’ve had a really fortunate experience on TikTok. I know the internet can be a terrible place, but I have received overwhelmingly more positive comments than negative ones. I very rarely get negative comments and almost never comment on my appearance, which I think is what would damage me the most. Occasionally, I get, “Oh wow! A woman that is funny!” which I’m like, “Okay.” And I get the occasional “She’s annoying!” comments. But overall, I get pretty positive feedback. The audience that I have is kind, so I’ve been fortunate in that regard. The negativity is not something I experience to a huge extent.
Jodi: Are you prepped for it? (Because as you get bigger and bigger, it does happen to people,)
Julia: Yeah, and I also know that I’m a chatterbox, loud mouth who’ll say something one of these days that people won’t like. So I’m prepped for that. But I also know those negative voices are few and far between, so I can step back and say, “Okay, but look at all these people that had something nice to say.”
Jodi: …not give them power…
Julia: I try.
Jodi: It’s not okay that people are mean, and it hurts your soft human self, but also, on some level, you can be unavailable for taking their comments in, if you know what I mean.
Julia: I don’t. I personally don’t think I give like negative comments a whole lot of power. I try to just brush by them. Once in a while, I’m like, “Now why would they say that?” I have gotten a couple of comments lately that my nose is crooked, I’m like, “Okay, like what am I supposed to do about that?” For those, I’m like, “Alright, I’ll turn this into something funny later.” I try not to let it get to me.
“People can be so unkind”
Jodi: That’s really great. People can be so unkind. Their own misery overflows onto whatever they can hit around them. When you’re behind a screen, a lot more goes.
Julia: I am very fortunate. I receive mainly positive comments.
Jodi: Great. I’m so glad. It’s you who’ve cultivated it, and you have attracted the people who are nice and looking for humor and looking for someone real to relate to.
Julia: I’ve been told by my friends that the way that I talk online is exactly how I talk in real life. Obviously, not this second. I’m a little more professional at the moment, but I’ve been told by people in real life that I act the same, which I really love because I’m trying to be authentic. I’m trying not to be like, “Oh I met her in real life, and she’s so rude!” I would never want that. I want to be as much myself as I can. I think there’s a degree of masking in every situation, but I’m hoping that I’m pretty true to the persona that I portray online.
Jodi: I think you’re the same as when I knew you. You’ve always been this funny.
Julia: Thank you. I’m glad you say that because I hope I would hope that that’s the case.
Jodi: I saw Julia on some shows, and even just facial expressions were hysterical. There were expressions that you brought to characters; I mean, you just brought yourself, your sense of humor there. We still talk about some scenes you were in, like when you were the police officer with the mustache.
Julia: Oh, you saw that one. That was four years ago today! It just popped up in my Snapchat memories.
Julia’s magic is in her facial expressions
Jodi: It’s the facial expression that does everything. Really good. You’ll be very successful. Okay, let me look at my list of questions and see what else I want to ask you. What are the self-care habits that you use to keep yourself feeling good?
Julia: I would like to make a disclaimer that self-care is not my strongest suit because I again struggled a lot with my eating habits. If you asked me a couple of years ago what my self-care happens were, I’d be like, “Sitting down with a pint of ice cream,” but now I’m trying not to do that.
Jodi: I’m thinking of that cheese and crackers video that you did…
Julia: I love cheese and crackers. That’s a great comfort. That’s my self-care: cheese and crackers. No, um, I think in the last year or so, my self-care is getting outside. Not to say that’s something that I do often and well, but I always feel better after. There are days here in New York when I sometimes don’t leave my apartment if I don’t have class or something. It’s hard to leave my cozy apartment, especially with this weather! So I’m like, “Let me just go to the Post Office.” “Let me just walk.” “Let me pick up lunch today.” “I’ll just get dressed and leave the house.” which is the bare minimum. I don’t know; you just have to move. Just move to shift the energy a little bit. Again, I am not the best at it. There are days when I do not go outside, or I go outside in my pajamas, and I’m walking to the bagel store on the corner, but I always feel better on the days when I am able to make myself do something.
What role does singing play in mental health?
Jodi: Great advice! And then, you sing too?
Julia: I do an a cappella group at college.
Jodi: Does singing help? Like, does it opens your heart? For example, how does it affect you if you were sad and then you went to rehearsal or something?
Julia: Normally, I would say yes; however, this year, I have become the president of my group and have discovered that I’m not great in a leadership role; I’m not a natural-born leader, so sometimes the singing gets a little stressful because I’m in charge of it all. But obviously, I still love it. It feels like a release, like, it’s cathartic. I love the girls that I sing with. Prior to being the leader, I could just sing, but now I’m like, “Oh man, I gotta make a calendar. I gotta schedule all this out.” It’s hard. I’m not the best organizer. I get a lot of help from the girls in my group. They’re great. I’m like, “Can someone do this for me, please, because I can’t figure it out?” So, they’re great. My a cappella group has completely transformed my college experience because singing is a hobby that I’ve done since I was a kid. It’s something that I love, and so yeah, definitely, definitely self-care to be with those girls.
Jodi: Is it a nice community?
Julia: Oh, so great. It’s the best group of people. I’ve been part of the group for four years, and we are very small and tight-knit. Then we also try to hang out almost every day. We’re like, “Who’s going to the dining hall at this time?” It’s such a sense of community.
You need a community!
Jodi: That makes a huge difference. That’s what people lacked during the lockdown.
Julia: Absolutely. I think back to after COVID, and when I did come back to school, I hated it. I dreaded it because we did it online. You can’t sing with a group online. You can’t do it. It was so frustrating because we were trying to make something happen, and it just wasn’t happening. It wasn’t giving me that fulfilling love that I wanted. So that was a struggle.
Jodi: What about like masked shows?
Julia: Yeah, terrible, just what you think they are. Terrible. Really rough. Really rough. I also beatbox in my group sometimes. So beatboxing into a mask? There’s a lot of spit! Terrible. Had to put my hands under it, like pull it up and then just like take a breath and go back, horrible.
Is Social Media a Culprit?
Jodi: Let’s talk social media for a second. How do you think it’s affecting Generation Z?
Julia: Oh man… I’m in a class right now called Social Media, where we discussed this for the last three weeks. It’s tough because you choose how you present, which can lead to many identity issues and insincerity. Yeah, I don’t know; it’s a double-edged sword. I obviously can’t say too much bad about it because it’s been great for me. It’s helped me find the path where I want to make my career out of, kind of thing, so there are so many positives for me. But I know it’s not the case for everybody. I know that it can be a struggle for people. One of my best friends has no social media. I don’t know how she does it, but I like to think she’s happy with her decision. So I don’t know. I feel like there’s a pendulum swinging. Sometimes there are some people that are protesting and saying, “I’m done!” I know myself really well, and I am not like some people who are obsessed with it. I’m obviously on my phone and social media quite often because it’s how I pay my rent. But I think that I do a pretty good job of reaching a point where I put the phone down.
Jodi: How did you come to realize that you have to put your phone down?
Julia: I’ve always valued face-to-face anything. I like going places. I’m a doer. I like talking to people and being with my friends––not just texting them. So I think I’ve always been like that. I don’t want to sound like a crotchety old adult saying, “Put your phone down, kids!” but it’s a struggle knowing what is on the screen vs. what’s real. Especially after COVID, when the screen was our only reality. I think it set us back a little bit. But, I’m personally obviously very pro-social media. It has expanded my opportunities. And there’s a lot of positive messages. There’s a lot of entertainment on there; it offers a community for a lot of people. I see a lot of very accepting content on TikTok. There’s obviously terrible stuff, too but there are entire TikTok pages dedicated to certain issues, and they can be a place to find community.
With the TikTok algorithm, the way it gives you videos that you like based on what you’ve liked and viewed in the past, now I get videos that are my sense of humor specifically. And then, the comments are all people with my sense of humor. The videos are all things I want to see. There’s a whole science to how the algorithm works that I don’t even understand. I see so much stuff that is so personal to me. I enjoy it because it makes me feel like there are people like me. It can be very connecting.
Connection is good
Jodi: I agree, depends on what you’re watching. There’s so much out there. Some videos tear you down or contribute to unease. And then, so much out there can lift you up and make you feel good. Yes, so much out there that could lift you up, and there’s so much out there that could tear you down, but we choose what to watch.
Julia: Yeah, I can’t stress how I’ve been very fortunate that I don’t experience a ton of the negative stuff. But there is also a dangerous side to social media, both literally and figuratively.
Jodi: For sure. You mentioned eating problems and difficulties during COVID…
Julia: I’ve always struggled with the way I looked, but COVID definitely exasperated things. I would be fooling myself if I said that social media didn’t play any part in my body image problems. Obviously, the people and the things you see, the content that you consume, is all high beauty standards and stuff. But then also there’s another side that I think isn’t talked about a ton. I personally call myself mid-size (I’m not quite skinny, I’m not quite plus size), so there’s a mid-sized community on TikTok, and they share, “Here’s what jeans fit me best.” and “Here’s where I shop.” I really appreciate that because there are people that are wearing things that they look good in, and I wear it, and I look good in them. It feels good. So, there’s so much content that is obviously terrible and detrimental to one’s body image, but I’ve personally found stuff that has helped me. I think it’s out there. A lot of people from not my generation are so anti-everything, but it’s helped me. Recently, I have been getting into more sustainable clothes and sustainable shopping. There’s a community for that, and it’s massively helping me figure out what to buy and what to wear.
New Podcast
Jodi: I love that. I love social media too because I put a lot of things out there on social media, and then I get back what I put out there as well, or what I’m paying attention to.
Julia: Yeah, I think so.
Jodi: You’re after my own heart, too, because I love recycled clothes.
Julia: I’ve been trying to get better. I’m still not like the best, but I’ve been trying.
Jodi: I have a recycled top right here…
Julia: Oh! Nice. This is not recycled. It’s from Old Navy so.
Jodi: I love Poshmark.
Julia: Yeah, I try to like thrift and whatever.
Jodi: Ooh, you can get Poshmark to sponsor you, maybe.
Julia: Maybe. That’ll be great.
Jodi: So you have a new podcast coming out. Tell me why you are going into the podcasting world.
Julia: I have a film internship right now in production. Then, the more I’ve done it, I’m like, “Oh maybe, I don’t only want to be the person producing it; maybe I want to do it all.” I’ve always wanted to do a podcast. People have been wanting me to do a Podcast with comedy and storytelling. So that’s the goal: It is coming out sometime this spring. I still have to solidify my schedule a little bit, but yeah, it’s just gonna be comedians coming on to join me. We will be talking about hyper-fixations. Every episode will be about a different hyper fixation. Every episode will be a new weird niche topic that the guest, for some reason, knows a ton about. It’ll be very goofy, very silly. I hope to get some familiar faces on there. It’s called the Pesto Pod.
The Pesto Pod!
Jodi: The Pesto Pod! That’s very exciting. I listen to comedians on TikTok and podcasts, so it’s right up my alley. We need laughter so bad, you know? I hear people’s trauma all day long…
Julia: Yeah, you’re probably are like, “Please, make me laugh, somebody.”
Jodi: Yes. So that’s cool, the Pod Podcast. Wait, did I say that right?
Julia; The Pesto Pod.
Jodi: The Pesto Pod! I knew that.
Julia: That’s okay.
Jodi: Where did the where did you TikTok name More Pesto Please come from? Did you tell us?
Julia: I love pesto. I love it on everything. And there’s a deli on my campus that I would always be like, “Can I get more pesto, please?” because they would be so stingy with pesto, and then my friends made fun of me for it. Thus, “more pesto, please,” is something I say quite often.
Jodi: Yeah, it’s like, “More Julia Leahy, please!”
Julia: That’s the idea.
Jodi: More laughs. More pointing out the ridiculousness of life because we need that to come back [from the emotional trauma we experience]. I might sound like I am saying,” Oh, everyone’s fine!” No, we are struggling so much, and that’s why I’m putting this podcast out, to try to show young people that they can get better and that this is not a life sentence. Yes, COVID affected people deeply–– the collective and personal trauma of going through that time has been really huge, BUT there is a way to recover. It’s crucial to understand what happened so that you can navigate your way out instead of like blaming yourself for it. Saying, “I messed up because I’m weak,” or something like that, is not helpful.
Thank you, Julia!
Julia, I really appreciate your candor and frankness about what you’ve gone through. I didn’t know what we’d end up talking about today, but I really appreciate it. I think that it’s helpful to people to see that it doesn’t matter what you’re doing, you’re a human living this life, and it’s hard.
Julia: I think that despite it being challenging times, it’s also like a great time for getting the help that everyone needs. Anxiety and stuff like that have never been more talked about than is now. Help has never been more accessible. It’s a good time to be addressing those kinds of things.
Jodi: There are a lot of ways to help yourself. Sometimes it seems like there’s not many therapists out there, or no one’s taking new clients, but keep looking because there are some. Maybe they’re just not on the directories, or they don’t have good SEO, but I promise you there are some, so keep asking, and keep searching to find someone available. Thanks, Julia. Anything else you want to share?Any tips or anything else you want to tell us before we sign off today?
Julia: I don’t think so. I’m @Morepestoplease on TikTok. Follow me!
Jodi: Yes, go follow Julia on TikTok. You won’t regret it: @Morepestoplease. Hear about her daily shenanigans, get some laughs, and get out of your head.
Julia: Yeah, that’s what I got.
Jodi: That is what you got, and you’re giving it. Look for her new Pesto Pod podcast. I will definitely have links to those in the show notes below.
Thank you so much for listening to this bonus episode at the end of season 2, where I interviewed Julia Leahy from the pesto pod and More Pesto Please on Tiktok. I appreciate your subscribing and commenting. Head on over to the blog post for this episode, where I have more resources for you. As always, that link is in the show notes. Please don’t forget to give me a five-star review on Apple Podcasts because that will get this podcast into the ears of more people who need it. You heard Julia speak about her personal experience with the youth mental health crisis. Share this message so that more people can get help!
Coming up next is season three, which goes along with Chapter 3. Next season we are going to put the spotlight on you and your awesomeness. I can’t wait to share that with you. Keep reading, and I will see you here.