Stay Motivated With 4 Tips: The World Needs YOU

Life can get pretty overwhelming, can’t it? Not easy to stay motivated when there is always so much to do.

On Sunday morning, literally, I ran to the grocery store, cooked breakfast for my son’s friends, straightened up, replied to emails, paid some bills, sent some texts, bought something online, designed a gift for my niece, wrapped a new baby gift, cared for a sick puppy, scheduled interviews, checked on a lost library book, got my daughter packed for camp, coached her practicing for an upcoming audition, packed for my retreat, and finally got to make myself breakfast. It was not even 10 am.

Being a mom is a lot. It feels like I’m being pulled in a million different directions and often I don’t know where to begin my list of tasks. I have witnessed this steeling more of my energy and delaying my start. It pulls me into my head and out of the present moment. In my monkey mind, it’s all too easy to find something wrong; my inadequacy, my past failures, my exhaustion, the difficulty of the job, and more.


I find it easier to stay motivated for my kids, actually. Tasks I do for them flow more. I start without much thinking because must do it. I think of it as “no choice” even though it is me choosing that this is important.

But those other things: The self-care, or soul purpose, life mission and personal organization things? These  get kind of sticky. Maybe because I see them as just effecting me, there is less pressure. More choice. This gives me that moment that gets me in my head.


“…flow more” “..start without much thinking…” “choice…hesitation…head.”

stay motivated

If you are like me, you have goals. Your heart is full! You have things you want to do in this world- stuff you are longing to create, communities you are hungry to serve. It’s just that, when beginning, everything seems hard.  When you don’t know the how, it’s hard to stay motivated for the why. Let me tell you, this happens to everyone. It’s part of our human evolution. (more on this in the video…)

But how do you focus on all you want to do while also just living your daily life? How can you stay motivated? Are there ways to incorporate it all and live happier?


In this video, I outline four ways to stay motivated so that you can live with purpose, peace, and ease. Don’t give up! You are so needed in this world. Watch to learn more.

4 Tips to Stay Motivated and Live Your Purpose

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Clarity + Purpose = Motivation

There are gifts that only YOU can give. And while it’s perfectly normal to go through ruts where it’s difficult to stay motivated, we don’t want to stay there, right? Because that’s where the suffering is. That’s where the darkness is. But the light is within your reach. Simply follow the steps outlined in the video and watch your life change.

Without a purpose, the soul withers. This is why it’s so important to remain committed to your goals. Not only is it good for your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health to live out your purpose, but someone else will undoubtedly benefit. This is a win-win here, people!

Don’t delay. Follow the tips I outline in the video so that you can gain clarity, live your purpose and stay motivated. Woo!

How do you keep on track and stay motivated? Share with me.

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