Doctor Jodi

Jodi Aman, Doctor of Social Work, is a psychotherapist, author, and speaker. Using her unique and varied training, rooted ethics, and 28 years of experience as a trauma-informed psychotherapist, Dr. Jodi guides sensitive souls in releasing what they don't want, strengthening their emotional bandwidth, and creating a happy, purposeful life. With her videos, courses, TedxWilmington talk, and award-winning books, she's supported over two million people.

weeping buddha tratak meditations

Understanding Impermanence: Even loss is temporary!

“Friends are never truly lost.  Sometimes they ebb and flow into and from our lives, however, never lost.”  Evelyn Prieto I wanted to share with you all a recent tender moment in counseling.   My client a young, beautiful woman was telling me a story of how she learned that “nothing was permanent”  after losing

Understanding Impermanence: Even loss is temporary! Read More »

benefits of yoga

Five Benefits of Yoga – Guest Post By Capricious Yogi

This post about the benefits of yoga is by Rachel from the Capricious Yogi. When Jodi asked me to write an article about the benefits of yoga, I thought…”sure, that’s easy, no problem!” But as I started to consider what I wanted to say, I found myself flooded with reasons why someone should begin a yoga

Five Benefits of Yoga – Guest Post By Capricious Yogi Read More »

declutter your house, declutter your home

Feel spaced out? Declutter your mind by decluttering your space

Your surroundings affects you strongly. If you were living with someone who abused you or worked with someone who criticized you, for example, it would be difficult for you to be freely ourselves and find peace of mind in your space. Same goes for our physical surroundings, for example, stale air, minimal light, and clutter affect

Feel spaced out? Declutter your mind by decluttering your space Read More »

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