Be bold and brave and in control of your life

Want to be bold and brave? I know you’ve been feeling the effects of our world. Holy Cow! It’s seems more nuttier than usual.

This weekend I got news overload. I just heard about too many tragedies – saw pictures of too many beautiful people who were lost to horrible accidents, random violence, and scary illnesses.

be bold and brave in your life

Be Brave and Bold!

Yay! You have made it to here.

And after going through my own recent scare (see my Facebook video about it) I empathized a bit more with the families I saw grieving on the TV.

But I’m still kicking. I keep putting one foot in front of the other. Still refocusing my energy on the positive that I see around me. Consciously, taking my attention from one to the other and when I slip back, I just have compassion for myself and try again.

And that is nothing short of amazing! Really. I’m not being egotistical! This re-focusing is mucho effort and that deserves to be celebrated. Because THAT gives me energy to sustain it!

I’ve made it through a lot in my life, and I know so many people who have lived through much, much worse. And you know what? They are still surviving, too.

And many of them are even thriving!

There is a reason for that. And it is something all of us can do.  This is the one thing you need to be brave and bold in your life:

How to Be Brave and Bold in Your Life

In today’s new video I explain the one thing you NEED to be brave and bold in your life.

[clickToTweet tweet=”‘It’s not brave if you are not scared.’ @JodiAman #anxiety #bebrave” quote=”‘It’s not brave if you are not scared.’ “]

Sometimes we are too busy seeing our deficits and that keeps us from being brave and bold.

We don’t see how great we are.

What is important to you is who you are. You love. You want to connect. To be kind. You want to have fun adventures! That is who you are!

Stand on those things and it will make you braver than you ever thought possible.

Stay inside your comfort zone and you will not only miss out on so much, but you will be lonely and miserable. Pushing past your comfort zone is all about motivation. Without it, you’d never do it. Find something to motivate you. And celebrate your awesome self!

Tell me about some brave and bold steps in your life.

4 thoughts on “Be bold and brave and in control of your life”

  1. Thank you so much, Jodi. You are absolutely right, once we reconnect with the source of what is the most important in our hearts, it can be a source of unlimited bravery (or courage) .

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