
Trauma-informed mental health advice for parents.


Surviving a Global Pandemic When You are Highly Sensitive

In the last few weeks as the nights lengthen here in the Northern Hemisphere, the burnout from the covid-19 pandemic is worse than ever. It actually feels like a blanket of darkness has descended over us and our “hungry ghost” in us – that part of us who is spiraling in desperation for relief – […]

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mental resilience

Improve Your Mental Resilience In Four Steps

What is this whole “mental resilience” thing? Do you need it? Do you have it? How do you know you have it? And, perhaps most importantly: Can you cultivate it? If so, how do you do that? Let’s start with why we need resilience. We see so many people suffering daily; friends, family, and strangers

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be a really good friend

How to Be a Good Friend, How to Be a Good Parent: Don’t Make These Mistakes!

You have a good heart, You want to be a good friend. People who don’t care about that wouldn’t have decided to read this article. Before I share the ways to be a good friend and to be a good parent, you should know the biggest key here is how to listen with your whole

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How to Teach Empathy to Your Teen – And WHY THEY WILL THANK YOU!

Some people are born with an innate sense of what others feel. They have a good imagination and consciously direct it to put themselves in another person’s shoes. Perhaps at one point in the etymology of the word empathy, it meant that “you know what another feels because you have been through the same thing.”

How to Teach Empathy to Your Teen – And WHY THEY WILL THANK YOU! Read More »

teach empathy

4 Things Kids Need To Be Happy – Improve the Mental Health of Your Teen

When you want to know the things kids need to be happy, you have to first look at what makes them unhappy. When I gathered a teen focus group to help me come up with a title for my upcoming workbook for young people, this is what they listed as the major problems they were

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