
Videos and articles on self-care, self-compassion, self-love, self-forgiveness and self-worth by Dr. Jodi.

guided meditations

Shapeshift Yourself and Your World

Shapeshift yourself means transform, or become new and changed. The best example of shapeshifting is changing attitudes, making commitments, and letting go of limiting beliefs. Think you are worthless? Shapeshift yourself into someone who “knows you are worthy.” Transform Yourself and the World? Yes, please! Many days I practice meditation by doing a guided meditation journey.

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Allow Yourself To Feel

Why We Love Inspiration: Facebook’s Best Inspirational Quotes

I have loved inspirational quotes since I was  little girl. I still have the book I kept them in. So naturally I love this new platform of sharing inspirational quotations. Facebook quotes are a good example of this ever changing world. With more and more challenges, we need the words of these spiritual leaders, activists,

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