Grounding Techniques to Calm Your Mind and Improve Your Performance

In this episode, Dr. Jodi and Lily discuss grounding techniques to help calm anxiety, flashbacks, nervousness, and more. In fact, grounding techniques can help you prepare for any situation, whether you expect it to be good or bad.

By cultivating a practice of grounding oneself, you can improve your mindset and prepare your body for any situation. Grounding techniques are practices that help one get out of the monkey mind and get more firmly into the body, which is another way to say stable, present, and confident.

There are many kinds of Grounding Techniques.

Dr. Jodi and Lily discuss many kinds of grounding techniques, such as deep breathing, listening to music, walking outside, taking a bath or shower, eating, stretching, and more. They also share some of the benefits they get from practicing grounding techniques.

You’ll learn HOW to find grounding techniques that work for you.

Grounding Techniques to Calm Your Mind and Improve Your Performance

See you every Monday at 8 PM E! When you attend Live, you get to ask Dr. Jodi your questions. Get on the list to get reminders about the show, including the topic for the week, here:

Resources Mentioned in Grounding Techniques to Calm Your Mind

The Redirect Flash Cards: Order here:

CARDS: Redirect Flash Cards

Grounding Technique List

Grounding techniques are the actions of re-focusing attention to the present in order to escape the monkey mind. You can do these when you feel anxious, dysregulated by an interaction or experience, or when you find yourself ruminating, disassociating, or upset for any reason. (If there was any literal danger, you do this once it has passed. Before it passes, you use your time to protect yourself or get away.)

Here are some examples mentioned in the video:

  1. Walking in nature
  2. Belly breathing
  3. Gentle movement or shaking
  4. Rubbing hands together
  5. Name 5 things you see, 4 you can touch, 3 you can hear, 2 you can smell, and 1 emotion in your present context
  6. Narrate yourself
  7. Zoom out/Drone effect

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