Morning Practices to Improve Your Mental Health

Mental exhaustion and turmoil and experiences like depression, anxiety, frustration, and anger are getting to all of us. That’s because it is a regular human response to our world. But there are simple morning practices that you can implement to improve your mental health. Before I tell you about them, I want you to know:

If you are losing your ish, you are not alone. The hurricane, personal loss, wars, and the upcoming election is impacting all of us. You may even feel guilty that you feel bad because it seems like someone somewhere has it worse than you. 

If you are highly sensitive, living is hard right now. To add to the weight you’re feeling, these world and personal events bring up trauma from the past that you ordinarily have been able to handle. Plus, everyone around you seems to be losing their ish, too. People you are responsible for. 

You’ll know this is you…if you keep finding yourself raiding your cupboard when you’re not hungry. 🙋🏼‍♀️… or you are procrastinating more than usual…or snapping at your loved ones when you don’t want to. 

You can’t afford to feel exhausted, overwhelmed, helpless, or like a failure. You have your team to manage, clients to help, students to support, and your family to care for. 

My client, Jordan, was feeling mentally exhausted. 

He felt like he was taking care of too many people at work and in his family, and the pressure was getting to him. As a new chief marketing officer at a company, he was up against the other executives who felt threatened by the growth he created. 

Luckily, he chose to get support and booked sessions with me. We cleared the stress that was connected to his past trauma and addressed the limited beliefs that, while hidden, were affecting him. He discovered why the people in his life acted the way they did, which informed him on how to set relationship boundaries with them. Finally, he created a list of nonnegotiable practices to ground himself daily and committed to them. This new way of thinking and understanding himself and his situation changed his marriage and his environment at work. He even told me that he was looking forward to team meetings where he reported his progress, which he had been dreading, and focused more on his team and their customers who appreciated him. 

If Jordan can do it, then you can too. I know because I’ve helped so many experience this shift in their lives. If you feel like finding joy, having a sense of fulfillment when you go to bed at night instead of worry, and easing relationships in your home and work, sign up to work with me and I can help get you there.

Listen to how I think about mental health:

A message for World Mental Health Day

As promised, here are some tips and tricks that can help boost your mood and energy right away. These will not be a surprise to you, but let them be reminders that we all need to generate our own happiness. Happiness is not just for the lucky few. Happy people generate their own happiness, and you can do that too.

Here are Seven Morning Practices to Improve Your Mental Health Today

  1. Get enough sleep: A good night’s sleep can help improve mental health overall. 
  2. Eat a healthy breakfast: A nutritious breakfast can improve mood, cognitive function, and overall well-being. Skipping breakfast can increase stress and anxiety. 
  3. Exercise: Morning workouts can help with focus, mood, metabolism, sleep, and energy. You can start with a few minutes and increase the length as you feel comfortable. 
  4. Meditate: Meditation can help lower stress and anxiety, boost mood, and increase focus and productivity. 
  5. Make your bed: Making your bed can give you a sense of accomplishment, lower stress, and create a positive state of mind. 
  6. Practice gratitude: Expressing gratitude can boost overall well-being and elevate happiness levels. 
  7. Drink water: Drinking plenty of water is important for healthy brain functioning. The brain is 73% water, and without enough water, it can start to shut down, which can lead to symptoms of depression and anxiety. 
  8. Wake up early: Waking up early can help you feel more energized and focused throughout the day. It can also help regulate circadian rhythms, which can improve sleep quality.

These are from Good Morning Routine for Mental Health.

Did you know I have a weekly live-streamed talk show every Monday at 8 PM on YouTube? Get on the list to get reminders about the show, including the topic for the week, PLUS get my Gen Z Mental Health Resource Guide here:

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