We all have a hostile inner critic; it’s part of how our brains evolved to keep us safe. But in today’s world, that survival instinct can turn into a constant pressure to be better, do more, and never slow down. We use it to judge if we are worthy enough, smart enough, happy enough, successful enough, pretty enough, etc, etc. And when we start measuring our worth by productivity? That’s when burnout sneaks in.
In this episode, Leah and I dig into where her inner critic comes from, how it shaped her sense of self, and what happens when, in an attempt to make it positive, it morphed into a drill-sergeant-style coach who never lets her rest! She came on the show because she was looking for more balance in her life and less burnout. That’s important for her because she is starting her own business in addition to working full-time. The business is her passion, so countering the “coach” by not doing the work, as one therapist told her to do, doesn’t help her find the balance and still reach her goals.
Enter me! In this live streamed episode, I get to know the context and history of her inner critic, looking for a way to, finally, shut it up. You’ll be surprised by what we come up with! The goal isn’t to silence your inner voice completely, it’s to change the conversation, so everything shifts, and you actually get more done with less stress.
Watch “Negative Inner Critic in Overdrive? Turn it Into Your Biggest Cheerleader!” Here:
Resources Mentioned in “Negative Inner Critic in Overdrive? Turn it Into Your Biggest Cheerleader!”

Other blogs related to this one:
- Silence Your Inner Critic
- Imposter Syndrome | Trauma-Informed Strategies for Confidence
- Self-Silencing and Anxiety: How to Reclaim Your Voice
- Let Go of Perfectionism
- What to Say When You Talk To Yourself
- Self-compassion is the Key to Self-Acceptance
Listen to the episode on your favorite podcast app and please leave a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ review!
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Key Takeaways To Silence Your Inner Critic
- Celebrate Every Win – Small victories matter, and noticing them will actually help you feel more motivated.
- Your Inner Critic is Just Trying to Keep You Safe – But it doesn’t have to be so mean about it!
- Perfectionism Feeds Burnout – Chasing impossible standards will only leave you drained and discouraged.
- Rest is Not Laziness – It’s actually the secret weapon to being more effective, creative, and energized.
- Turn the Coach Into a Cheerleader – Instead of a voice that pressures you, create one that lifts you up!
Rewriting the Script: From Inner Critic to Cheerleader
Your inner critic doesn’t have to disappear, it just needs a new job. Here’s how to turn it from a harsh judge into a supportive coach:
1. Recognize When It Shows Up
Start paying attention to when your inner critic speaks the loudest. Does it show up when you’re trying something new? When you’re comparing yourself to others? When you’re about to rest?
✨ Pro tip: Keep a thought journal and write down the most common criticisms. Awareness is the first step to changing them.
2. Challenge & Reframe the Thought
Ask yourself:
❓ Would I say this to a friend?
❓ Is this actually true, or is it just fear talking?
❓ What would a supportive mentor say instead?
✅ Instead of “I’ll never be able to do this.” → Try “I don’t know how yet, but I’m learning.”
✅ Instead of “I always mess things up.” → Try “Everyone makes mistakes- what can I learn from this?”
3. Make Rest & Joy Part of the Plan
Leah struggled with guilt when she took time to rest. So, we flipped the script: rest is not laziness – it’s fuel.
👉 Instead of seeing downtime as unproductive, schedule “No Days” where you recharge. Your brain and body need it!
4. Focus on What You’ve Done – Not Just What’s Left
Most of us finish one task and immediately jump to the next, never pausing to celebrate our progress. That’s draining!
Instead: Start celebrating every win, no matter how small. Acknowledge yourself. You’re doing more than you think!
5. Shift from Pressure to Play
Success doesn’t have to come from pressure, it can come from joy. When you love what you’re doing, productivity naturally follows.
💡 Try this: Instead of pushing yourself with “I have to,” motivate yourself with “I get to.” It makes a huge difference!
See you every Monday at 8 PM E! When you attend Live on YouTube @doctorjodi, you can ask Dr. Jodi your questions. Get on the list to get reminders about the show, including the topic for the week, PLUS, receive my Gen Z Mental Health Resource Guide here: