Suicide Prevention for You or Someone You Love – FB Live

Let’s Talk Suicide Prevention

The topic of suicide prevention is a difficult one, but so pervasive. Everyone has been touched by suicide in some way. We either know someone who has done it, or someone who has felt like they wanted to or we have wanted to commit suicide ourselves. It is a dark and scary place to be. It is a hopeless place to be.

That hopelessness is exactly what needs to be broken through in order to prevent someone from taking their own life. To know hopelessness you must also have known hope at some point. That hope is key to suicide prevention.

I Want To Know What Is Behind That Hope

We can think back to that time you were hopeful. What sustains that hope?

I want to know why someone wants to live- to hear more about it and let those words and the care for that thing float around the room, come around a person in a big hug and make them want to live even more! I’m in awe of why someone wants to live, so that awe is reflected back and they are in awe too.

Go here to for suicide prevention for when someone you love is thinking about suicide.

Let’s dive in and watch the video…

Suicide Prevention for You or Someone You Love

[clickToTweet tweet=”The Key to Suicide Prevention is remembering hope @JodiAman #decidetolive” quote=”The Key to Suicide Prevention is remembering hope”]

Trade Shame for Compassion

When all the hurt and the guilt and the negative self-judgment pile up, it is overwhelming. We feel like we cannot handle it. Instead, we want to disappear. We would rather die than face one more ounce of pain.

But what if, slowly, you could trade those shameful thoughts for compassionate ones? What if you could be willing to give yourself a little love instead of all the blame? Trust me- you are skilled and you are a survivor. You are capable. I wish for you to see that!

P.S. I still do private consulting!

How have you been able to show compassion for yourself? 

4 thoughts on “Suicide Prevention for You or Someone You Love – FB Live”

  1. I want to know why someone wants to live- to hear more about it:
    I don’t know about hope. I used to think that hope is to expect things to get better, life to be easier and happy and in that context, I never knew hope. But just few weeks ago, someone told me that hope is just accepting what is NOW, knowing that it will be pass and I will be OK whatever the outcome and in this context, yes I know hope and I have known hope in the past.
    What makes me want to live are the times I can make someone smile. The times I can make someone’s day a little bit easier whoever this is. Whenever someone says I love you. Whenever someone touches my heart and soul or any physical touch that means they care and is not meant to hurt. Any time I get a smile a nice word anything and any time I can give one of these to others.
    All of these make me want to live. All of these kept me alive. All of them seem SO EASY to get, but sometimes your need is huge

      1. All of these kept me alive. All of them seem SO EASY to get, but sometimes your need is huge.
        I mean, My need to feel loved is huge sometimes.

        1. It regular-sized. Humans need to feel loved. You want and deserve it. The reason it feels huge is because you deny and are ashamed of it. And so the spiral begins making it worse and worse.

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