No More Struggle with Healing! -By doing the Easy Things Instead of the Hard Ones

Many of us struggle with healing. It just seems so out of reach and we’re already so exhausted. Can you relate? We try so hard to be good people, to help others and make them happy. So often we are the last ones on our list. But why?

Why do we struggle with healing?

I have the answer. It’s because we think healing is hard. And when you are exhausted from the emotional overwhelm- resistance to something hard is high!

Also, here’s the secret sauce of it all: The hard stuff is not always the most impactful. In fact, quite often the things you feel are hard- may not be the best way forward anyway. Let me give you an example.

I was speaking to a client who feels anxious a lot of her day. I asked about her routine. She said that she journals and meditates a few hours when she wakes up. I asked her what she was writing about and she said her feelings about the past. Everyday she writes about the past for a few hours. This is emotional and exhausting and so she is ready to nap afterward. It was hard, draining, upsetting, but she thought that meant it was working.

I love journaling as a healing exercise but this didn’t seem to be moving her out of the past as she hoped it would, but keeping her replaying it over and over.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”Stop struggling with healing? Do these EASY thing first! Https:// #healyourself #getbetter #mentalhealth” quote=”Stop struggling with healing? Do these EASY thing first! “]

Another thing that seems to be “hard” for people attempting to heal, is trying to prove their worth. (By working hard, or trying to please people, or the like.) This is so taxing! Totally zapping of your energy. But even though it makes us struggle with healing, we never want to stop because then, we surrender to worthlessness.

We can work our fingers to the bone, thinking it is the path to healing! But it is a hard path that goes nowhere. (Hamster wheel.) It keeps reinforcing the idea that you are not worthy in the first place. This keeps us pushed down and anxious.

Not true. You are so worthy!

We do all the things that drain us of energy and motivation first and then we have nothing left for the easy, more impactful things.  Stop struggling with healing: Do the easy things first, and let the relief they bring help you!

There are easy things that you can add to your day that will help you prioritize yourself and end your struggle with healing. You don’t have to spend sleepless nights poring over all the things you’ve done wrong, wracked with guilt and obsessed with worry.

We struggle with healing ourselves and we don’t have to. There is a better way. Do the easy things first! Watch the video to what to do.

Do the Easy Things Instead of the Hard Things

All day long we’re in our heads doing the hard stuff: figuring out why someone was mean, worrying about being left, feeling guilty etc. This thinking takes up so much energy! No wonder we struggle with healing. Listen, it’s not that we’re not doing anything wrong. It’s understandable; it’s what we think we deserve. But if we let these things go and shift our attention to the easy, feel-good stuff, we can begin to feel better.

Some EASY things to add to your day…

  1. Stretching
  2. Drinking More Water
  3. Meditation Before Bed
  4. Eating More Fruit & Vegetables
  5. Get Some Fresh Air
  6. Deep Breathing

What are some easy things you like to do to help clear the way for healing? Share with me!

1 thought on “No More Struggle with Healing! -By doing the Easy Things Instead of the Hard Ones”

  1. Thank you 🙂 This is just what I needed! We just don’t seem to give the easy things any credit. But where would we be if we forgot them completely?

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