Doctor Jodi

Jodi Aman, Doctor of Social Work, is a psychotherapist, author, and speaker. Using her unique and varied training, rooted ethics, and 28 years of experience as a trauma-informed psychotherapist, Dr. Jodi guides sensitive souls in releasing what they don't want, strengthening their emotional bandwidth, and creating a happy, purposeful life. With her videos, courses, TedxWilmington talk, and award-winning books, she's supported over two million people.

The Prophecy of the Eagle and Condor- rebalancing feminine and masculine energy

“When the Eagle of the North flies with the Condor of the South, The Spirit of the Land, She will Reawaken.” Inca prophecy There are many prophecies from indigenous cultures all over the world about this being a significant time in history. The indigenous Quechua people of the High Andes are no exception. My favorite

The Prophecy of the Eagle and Condor- rebalancing feminine and masculine energy Read More »

Bully-Shift! What to do if your kids are bullied!

Almost every kid is bullied at one time or another. Though the severity is variable, the consequences of any degree of bullying can be major on a kid’s sense of self. When bullied, kids report feeling lonely, nervous, angry, and sad. They develop poor opinions of themselves, assuming the identities proffered by the bullies. Ugly. Fat.

Bully-Shift! What to do if your kids are bullied! Read More »

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