Build Self Confidence and Create Happiness With this One Practice

Build Self Confidence and Create Happiness.

build self confidence

Build Self Confidence, Stress Less

Do you want to know how to build self confidence?

I used to constantly think, “There is not enough time. There is not enough time!” when my kids were little. It was a BUSY time for our family. Thinking this was heavy on my heart and mind and that zapped my energy and made it harder to do the tasks I needed to do. I didn’t trust myself to handle it all and get it all done. Stress is caused, and exacerbated by, lacking confidence in your ability to get through the situation. Stress causes worry and that easily turns into anxiety.

Lack of self-confidence causes trouble no matter how you slice it. It affects productivity, performance, decision-making, mood and overall health.

There are many reasons we tend to lack self confidence, like trauma from the past, a stressful situation, and negative self-judgment. However, in general most of our lack of self-confidence is culturally generated. It is ingrained in us to constantly compare ourselves to others and worry that we fail to meet expectations, and that we’ll be judged as inadequate by others. This is especially taxing on people because our cultural expectations are not clearly defined making it hard to know if you are “OK” or not. This is devastating on our psyche.

That doesn’t mean we have to resign ourselves to feeling bad. We don’t have to abide by the dictates of cultural discourses. In fact, we feel much better when we don’t.

We can build self confidence

This changes our outlook on ourselves and our comfort with the world.

This is what you do…

Celebrate what you do. Every little thing. In fact, in this video I give you a daily practice that will help you build self confidence and begin to trust yourself by knowing that you have skills to handle what comes your way.  Watch it now!

Build Self Confidence Like a Pro

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You Build Self Confidence in a Community

Daily practices are an easy way to change your life. They take discipline but they are not hard to do. Feeling anxious, depressed and stressed are hard. Writing down three accomplishments a day is simple, safe and doable.

Of course, you can get help! You only experience the self within a relationship. So you cannot build self confidence when you are isolated – negative thoughts can get out of control and you feel empty and void. This is not good for anyone! Practicing and working on new skills is best done in a group setting.

What are three things that you can write down today?


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