Release Negative Thoughts

Learn how to understand your feelings, dispel negative emotions, and resolve inner conflict. Finally, stop that negative self-talk that weighs you down.

Hellish symptoms of anxiety

The Hellish Symptoms of Anxiety Ep. 1:3

The Hellish Symptoms of Anxiety accompanies Chapter 1, Section 3 of Anxiety…I’m So Done with You! The Hellish Symptoms of Anxiety, Panic, and Worry expands on Chapter 1, Section 3 of “Anxiety…I’m So Done with You!” In this episode, I list the most freaky anxiety symptoms and then explain away the mystery to ease your […]

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my anxiety story thumbnail

My Anxiety Story, An Introduction to the Book: The “Anxiety…I’m So Done with You!” Podcast

Welcome to “Anxiety… I’m So Done With You!” with Dr. Jodi. This episode goes with the Introduction of the book and in it, I share my anxiety story. In this episode, you will learn  Your Anxiety is Curable The good news is that your anxiety is curable. I will take you through the five steps

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reasons to meditate: benefits of meditation

Reasons To Meditate: Benefits of Meditation

There are vast benefits of meditation on your mind, body, and soul. Whether it be prayer, mantras, art, singing, guided journeying, walking, or even fishing, there are many benefits to practicing meditation! In addition, anyone can do it, it is not expensive and it can be done anywhere. Meditation in some form or other has

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Surviving a Global Pandemic When You are Highly Sensitive

In the last few weeks as the nights lengthen here in the Northern Hemisphere, the burnout from the covid-19 pandemic is worse than ever. It actually feels like a blanket of darkness has descended over us and our “hungry ghost” in us – that part of us who is spiraling in desperation for relief –

Surviving a Global Pandemic When You are Highly Sensitive Read More »

emotional blocks

How to Clear Your Emotional Blocks and Step Into Open-Hearted (and Safe) Healing

Do you ever feel cut off by wholeness because of some emotional blocks that have you tensed up, armored, pulling back and hesitating to take risks? Are they blocking you from closeness in relationships, opportunities, or WORSE, your full potential? Sometimes the things that affect our mental and emotional lives the most are things that

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Burnout burned out

Overcome Burnout With These Two Actions That You Need to Take Right Now

Do you ever feel burnout? Sometimes I just can’t face more computer work! My mind is on overdrive trying to get it all done. The list is never-ending. More requests coming in. Each task taking way longer than it ought to. My back hurts from being stationary and hunched over my laptop. People are suffering

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