Is Anxiety Curable? What is Anxiety? How Can I get Rid of It?

The answer to “Is Anxiety Curable?” lies in understanding what anxiety is and what it isn’t. Some people think anxiety is useful in some way – that it is good to have some anxiety, as it protects you.

Assuming anxiety is helpful would make you not want to make anxiety curable. This way of thinking  confuses a person and keeps them stuck in anxiety.  That is why I distinguish it by defining it for people. It’s important to keep in mind that anxiety isn’t the fear response.

The Fear Response

The fear response is a the sympathetic nervous system response to dangerous or perceived dangerous stimuli where adrenaline is released into your blood stream causing increase in heart-rate, breathing and heat to prepare your muscles to fight or run, a hyper focused mind, tunnel vision, and an interrupted digestion in favor of sending blood to large muscles. All of these have a purpose to protect you if you were in danger. If or when you are safe (and you know that you are safe), the parasympathetic nervous system releases GABA to stop the adrenaline and calm you down.


Anxiety is a worry-based physically and emotionally intense sensation due to the release of cortisol and adrenaline hormones triggered by the fear response. It is the physical and emotional suffering that happens when you are not in physical danger but think and feel as though you are. It’s usually accompanied by distressing thoughts as well as desperation to feel calm again because of the way adrenaline hyper focuses your mind. You feel helpless or worried that you “can’t handle it” or that you’ll “go crazy.” You feel stuck, trapped in a feeling of vulnerability and out of control, even though you’re not in immediate danger.

Is Anxiety Curable?

People who believe that they can get over anxiety, heal faster than people who don’t.

Yes, anxiety is curable. Here is how I know.

[clickToTweet tweet=”If you believe you can get over #anxiety you heal faster than those who don’t. @JodiAman ” quote=”‘People who believe they can get over anxiety heal faster than people who don’t “]

You can do this. And I can help you.

Do you believe anxiety is curable? Why, or why not? Tell me in the comments.

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