Anxiety Recovery

Understanding worry, fear, and anxiety problems and learning what to do about them.

why you think anxiety is not curable

Why You Think Anxiety Is Not Curable

Some people feel hopeless They think their anxiety is not curable. They’ve tried many medicines and combinations of medicines. For years. They’ve done groups, seen doctors, distracted themselves, tried to motivate themselves, attempted to let go of it, read books, heeded advice, sampled meditation, and watched videos. Maybe they get a little better temporarily, but

Why You Think Anxiety Is Not Curable Read More »

new anxieties

New Anxieties: Just when you retire one fear, another attacks you from behind

Do you ever wonder why you get one anxiety after another? New anxieties aren’t really all that new. It’s the same ole’ Anxiety trying to get your attention with a shiny, new threat. Anxiety wants to stay in your life. It doesn’t want to leave. It wants to keep you home and alone and feeling

New Anxieties: Just when you retire one fear, another attacks you from behind Read More »

anxiety curable

Is Anxiety Curable? What is Anxiety? How Can I get Rid of It?

The answer to “Is Anxiety Curable?” lies in understanding what anxiety is and what it isn’t. Some people think anxiety is useful in some way – that it is good to have some anxiety, as it protects you. Assuming anxiety is helpful would make you not want to make anxiety curable. This way of thinking  confuses

Is Anxiety Curable? What is Anxiety? How Can I get Rid of It? Read More »

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