Podcast Episodes

Dr. Jodi’s podcast “Anxiety, I’m So Done with You!” is trauma-informed mental health advice for parents, educators, counselors, and teens!

4-6 embrace hope for a better future

Embrace Hope for a Better Future! Podcast Ep. 4:6

Welcome to Season 4, Episode 6, which accompanies Chapter 4, Section 6, “Embrace Hope.” In this episode, we’ll discuss: And, though this whole book is hopefully making you feel better, we will talk about something can do while you’re waiting. “There is one guarantee in life, and that is: change. Things don’t stay the same. What […]

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Embrace a Positive Mental Attitude

Embrace a Positive Mental Attitude: Podcast Ep. 4:5

Welcome to Season 4, Episode 5, which accompanies Chapter 4, Section 5, “Embrace a Positive Mental Attitude.” In this episode, we’ll discuss: Your physical and mental context affect both your physical and mental health: Your physical context powerfully influences your life. Feeling secure, having people around you who lift you up, having food and warmth

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Embrace a Positive Mental Attitude

Embrace Connection within Relationships: Podcast Ep. 4:4

In this episode, which follows Chapter 4, Section 4: Embrace Connection, I review how this culture’s unrealistic expectations support your feelings of inadequacy. You’ll learn Humans are social beings, and we need connection. During early human history, communities were necessary for survival. We did not have the warmth, speed, strength, claws, or teeth to survive

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4-3 Embrace Realistic Expectations Thumb

Embrace Realistic Expectations for Yourself and Others: Podcast Ep. 4:3

In this episode, which follows Chapter 4, Section 3: Embrace Realistic Expectations, I review how this culture’s unrealistic expectations support your feelings of inadequacy. You’ll learn how to My goal is to encourage you to be kinder and gentle with yourself and see your abilities and agency instead of your inadequacies and shortcomings. As opposed

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4-2 Embrace letting go of what doesn't serve you

Embrace Letting Go of What No Longer Serves You! Podcast Ep. 4:2

In this episode, which follows Chapter 4, Section 2: Embrace Letting Go, I share the practical steps to letting go of what no longer serves you. So many people tell you to let go. I show you how. When you listen, you’ll learn: I developed this three-step process when it dawned on me that I

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4-1 embrace making meaning

Embrace Making Meaning in Ways That Empower You! Podcast Ep. 4:1

In this episode, which follows Chapter 4, Section 1: Embrace Making Meaning, I address humans’ need for order and meaning. You’ll learn: I guide you through understanding fear, guilt, and shame so they no longer control you. And I teach you how to make meaning in ways that will help you heal. This episode is

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Ep. 3:7 Activate Your Unique Skills "Anxiety...I'm So Done with You!" Teen Podcast

Ep. 3:7 Activate Your Unique Skills “Anxiety…I’m So Done with You!” Teen Podcast

This episode follows Chapter 3, Section 7: Activate Your Unique Skills of “Anxiety… I’m So Done with You!” It is chock full of information, so get out your notebook and pen! In this episode, we’ll look at reconnecting to your personal agency. You’ll learn the following: I discuss how noticing your unique skills empowers you

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Ep. 3:6 Activate Courage "Anxiety...I'm So Done with You!" Teen Podcast

Ep. 3:6 Activate Courage “Anxiety…I’m So Done with You!” Teen Podcast

This episode follows Chapter 3, Section 6: Activate Courage of “Anxiety… I’m So Done with You!” It is chock full of information, so get out your notebook and pen! In this episode, we will dive deep into taking risks and having courage. You’ll learn: I will debunk your comfort zone because, a lot of times,

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